[4] V.I.P

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As the field trip went on, it's like things have taken a 360 degree turn. If before, Tao would leave me when another friend of his invites him to hang out, this time, he would refuse every single invitation from them just so I wouldn't be left alone. It's like I became an instant V.I.P to everything.

At first, it made me feel all warm and bubbly inside, knowing that this time, he's really trying his best to fulfill his promise. He didn't leave my side as much as he could, and took care of me as if I was the most important thing in the world, even going as far as pretending to be from the same department as me just so he could accompany me when students from different departments have to split ways.

Of course, many got jealous, and Amber finally could tease me all the time with kissy noises whenever she's sober. But as it went on for another day and a half, I realized that it was just too much.

As much as how long I've waited for him to do this, to treat me like his V.I.P, this just felt... wrong. He was separating himself from his other friends just because of me. And the reason why he was taking care of me so much was because he felt like I would be in an accident in any second. He would make sure I'm stepping on the right step when climbing up the stairs, and has nothing pointy or sharp in my food. Everything around me should be safe. Everything. I didn't want him to get rid of everything that makes him the Huang ZiTao everybody loves just because of a promise.

"Watch where you're going!" I snapped back to reality when Tao snapped at someone after he swung me out of the way. My eye shifted to the person he yelled at, who was walking away with a luggage. He must have almost hit my feet with it, but it wasn't entirely his fault. A lot of people were actually walking around with their things because the field trip had just ended and it's time to go back home. 

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see him glancing at my foot in concern. I just dumbly nodded although the man didn't hit me anyway.

"Good," He just smiled and ruffled my hair. "Wait here for a moment, okay? I'm going to request our department head if I can transfer to your bus."

"What? Why?"

"So I can be with you, Seollie." He grinned. I shook my head and attempted to protest, but he had already jogged towards the bus at a distance where their head was busy talking to other faculty staff. I sighed in defeat and decided to just look for Amber for the meantime.

"Han Seol?" An unfamiliar voice called out, and I turned around to see a girl I didn't know. She was with three more girls who were standing behind her, and the way that they were looking at me with a bitchy look made it obvious that they didn't have good intentions.

"Yes...?" I carefully asked, not really sure what they wanted from me. They were all pretty and neat looking, but unfortunately gave off the typical mean girls vibe.

"Can we talk to you for a second?"

"About what?"

Instead of answering, she just flashed a sarcastic smile, and all of a sudden her friends stepped forward and wrapped their arms around me and started leading me towards somewhere away from the crowd.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed and tried to squirm free, frantically looking around if someone else was looking this way that could help. However, everyone else seemed too busy boarding their respective buses, and Tao at the distance was still busy talking to their department head, completely oblivious of the situation.

Once we were out of sight, the girls pushed me off of them like I was something nasty, making me hit the wall a little too harsh.

"What the hell is your problem?" I said angrily as I rubbed my sore shoulder.

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