Judging guidelines

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Each category will be judged as soon as they are filled.
After judging each genre, judges are required to PM the results to this account.

Judging criteria:
•Book title
(How creative/intriguing is it)~1-5points.

•Story description
(Is it alluring? Does it give off the entire story or just enough to whet a readers senses) 1-5points.

•Book cover (how creative is it? Does it send the story's message?) 1-10points.

•Grammar (How excellent, good or not good is it) 1-10points.

•punctuations (were punctuations appropriately placed?) 1-10points

•Plot development (Did every chapter move the story in the right direction) 1-30points.

•Writing style (how unique was it?) 1-10points

•Characters (were they relatable? Did they develop with the story) 1-10points.

•How well did you enjoy the book? 1-10points.
100points in total.

Judging criteria for poetry:
•Book cover 1-10points
•Description 1-10points
•Emotions 1-10points
•Rythm 1-10points
•Creativity 1-30points
•Grammar/punctuations 1-10points.
•Meaning behind words 1-20points.
100points in total.

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