Fantasy is being judged.

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Hello lovelies!

I am pleased to inform you all that the fantasy genre has been filled so judging will begin as soon as possible.

At the moment, we have few judges, but the show must go on! Some judges have volunteered to judge more than two categories and this kind act is very much appreciated.

The ten books in the category will be equally divided, so it wouldn't be burdensome on the judges, reading should be fun!!.

Remember! Books MUST be judged in accordance with the judging guidelines, no personal preferences or bribery.

Judge fairly and submit the points to this  account.

If you submitted your book for the contest and it's not been included, place it in the Questions section and appropriate changes will be made.

Lots of love!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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