• JUDGING PERIOD{10 Days Left} •

78 7 3

(A/N: Can anybody guess this song above without Google? If the first one to comment gets it right, they'll get s book promotion at the end of the awards in this book! That's what I'm doing now for past questions!)

Hey guys! I just wanted to ask you, the judges, how it's going so far on judging your book(s)!

In 10 days, the deadline for judging will end!(2/19/18)

Please keep this in mind if you have not messaged me any scores yet! Also, if you are a judge reading this, please comment below how it's going so far!


1. Me

2. ShimieShine

3. Aesthetic_Jimin

4. Hopeless_Fan_Girl

5. Celestia_01


7. LunaLovely365

8. Allibay0

9. jin-aholic

10. Amiyuh_loves_BTS

•11. xXSoap-

•12. Dynamo98

~Have a lovely day!

Kpop Newbies Awards: 2018 New YearWhere stories live. Discover now