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So racism is something the h uman race is dealing with right now.Can I just say,people would even be racist when it comes to pets(some of them).

First off all,we are all human beings.No matter the colour of our skin,no matter the ethnicity,no matter the language we speak,no matter our gender or gender orientation.

1.Girl/or boy,ifyou have the lightest skin tone,YOU ARE SO DAMN GORGEOUS

if you have the darkest skin tone,YOU ARE SO DAMN GORGEOUS

the ones who tell you the opposite arejust jealous. :)ignore them

2.So in my country,there are a lot of people who come from India,called gypsies.Their skin tone is usually darker.At my school I've met such people and I just can;t explain how triggered I still am when I hear people judging them because of their skin tone or ethnicity.Just because they're gypsies,doesn't mean they are a bad influence or bad human beings,No.They're just like us and we should respect them.

Please ignore andtry to stop people from making racist jokes such as calling names orstuff other people.Thanks.

Regarding the LGBTcommunity.I support them.

First of all,I respecteveryone's opinion about this subject,but please respect mine aswell.

So I grew up learningthe stereotype relationships and couples.But by the time passed Ilearned that love means love and we don't choose whom we love.

Just because someone doesn't have the same orientation as homophobics,doesn't mean they're possesed or something,or that God doesn't love them.We are all God's children and he loves us no matter what we do.

Please understand the fact that the world has changed and it is in a constant evolution and accept the fact that we now can be different and be ourselves.

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