'cause im human? ~Fiolee

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since i was young i had been warned about the dark side of Aaa, cake said there were people who i shouldnt meet there. i believed her but she'd been keeping a whole new feeling away from me...she kept him away from me.

...earlier that day...


"CAKE!!!" i screamed from the bedroom of our treehouse, soon enough my fuzzy sister came stretching up the ladder.

"whats up honey bun?" she didnt give me the slightest tone of worry in her voice but i knew what she had done...she was in so much trouble.

"wheres my hat?" i put my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows waiting for cakes answer

"well you see h-honey...uh" she stuttered, cakes first sign of being a lying cat.

"CAKE! what did you do to it" i yelled and flopped back onto my bed

"well it wasnt my fault this time, marshall wa-" i sat up and interupted her

"whose marshall?" cake froze at my question, i knew that i could guilt trip her into letting me know. the hat is like 10,000 points of slavery since my parents gave it to me and now cake has either lost it or destroyed it...she has 10,000 points of slavery to work off

"honey, he is just a friend of lord m." i sighed and dramatically fell side ways.

"i feel so alone now i have nothing left of my parents" i sighed and then saw cake fidget...

"FINE! Marshall is from the dark side of Aaa!" i flopped off the bed and rolled towards cake.

"how come your allowed to go to the dark side of Aaa" i slowly proped myself up on my elbows.



"DOOR I GOT IT!" i jumped up and jumped down the ladder, i tripped running towards the door but regained my balance.

"hello?" i opened the door and saw prince gumball, i opened the door wider and he let himself in mumbling some science stuff. i shut the door and muttered "come in" before he snapped and turned around.

"FIONNA! oh thank godness you were here, ive been thinking may i try a experiment on you?" he paced back and forth blushing a bit, is he on some thing? did he get peppermint maid to bring him to many hot coco?

"uh sure, whats the experiment?" i said picking up my sword from the ground and placing it on a loop on my mini blue shorts.

"peppermint maid told me about a emotion that could be found on the dark side of Aa-"

"NO WAY IN HELL IS SHE GOING GUMBALL! DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THE DARK SIDE IS!" cake came in like a wrecking ball, she literally destroyed some parts of the wall...the tree house is always gaining and loosing walls.

"but cake its for science!" PG bent down and explained to cake about how science could find answers...

"im in" i spoke over them, i mean cake cant look after me forever...she and lord m. have kittencorns on the way, cake thinks i dont know but she makes it obvious.

"WHAT OH HELL NO YOUR NOT GOING BUNNY CHEEKS" cake knocked gumball out of the way before going back to normal and lecturing me about how i wont last forever like the rest of them...cause im human.

"exactly cake, i dont live forever....so let me see the other side for once! your engaged to Lord m. and dont forget your soon to be kids!! let me grow up, im going thats it!" i huffed and cake looked hurt but it was weird because at the same time she looked proud.

"lets go PG lead the way" i opened the door and stormed out, gumball close behind me. 

"take care of her Gumball! or ill make sure your name is just GUM cause if she comes back hurt i will make sure you dont have any balls" cake screamed as she shut the door, gumball looked frightened as we started walking away from the tree house.

"so...gumball last time we met was rather awkward" the last time i met gumball was at his royal party, he led me to his room and locked the door before stripping...lucky it was just the ice Queen because i dont know how id react if it was actually gumball...i mean gumball is fine but he is also 19 while im 17 soon to be 18.

gumball has never seen me as a female since i was 13, i have always been one of the dudes to him....never seen as the girl in pearls to him, just his kingdoms hero...nothing more, nothing less.

"highly. The emotion that peppermint maid spoke about seemed rather random, you have to be lost to find it, it leaves you numb but the pain is so strong that it never leaves." i zoned out after Gumball told me the discription.

"FIONNA! FIONNA ARE YOU LISTENING!!" gumball scoled me and handed me a testing tube to gather the emotion...even though he is smart, he is kind the stupidest smart guy i know.

"yes PG well ill go ahead a do it now, be back soon" i spoke while running the short distance to the dark side...as soon as i stepped off the grass and onto the well dead grass i felt chills and everything around me felt cold.

"you wanted to come here fionna now grow a pair and do this for gumball" i stepped with caution and soon enough you couldnt see the sky, it was just trees. i was lost, i wasnt sure where i was going in the first place... i guess this is gumballs way of telling me to get lost.

"uh, maybe.." i trailed off into my own thoughts as i started climbing a tree to see the road ahead of me. 

"good little girl, why are you up in a tree? your giving perverts a good view of your anatomy" i heard a raspy voice as i climbed the tree, i turned my head around but there was nothing so i kept on climbing.

"good little girl...did you know your crying?" i sat on the tree branch i had gotten onto, i felt my face to see if the voice was telling the truth....damp, cold tears....i was scared and lonely. i grabbed the testing tube and collected my tear in it.

"if im a good little girl then what are you?" i spoke while whipping my tears, i felt a hand on my cheeks.

"im the bad little boy who never wanted to see the good little girl cry" i looked up to see who the hand belonged to...the boy was grey and cold, his eyes were the colour of blood and his hair as dark as this forest....

"ugh" i felt dizzy and i swear i slipped off the branch...but i was floating...

"good little girl? are you afraid of me, did your cat tell you to fear me?" he knows cake, i could see him but it was a bit fuzzy.

"you know cake?" i raised my hand to his cheek and stroked it softly 

"you know me too, dont you remember me...im Marshall lee? please tell me you remember me" and with that everything went black...Marshall lee....

'cause im human? ~FioleeWhere stories live. Discover now