23. super rich kids | taerose

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slightly inspired by frank ocean's super rich kids

rated a, for a lil bit of angst as well as a lil bit of fluff

(meh idk how i feel about this one tbh, i think i could have done better but whatever i'm still posting it hahaha)


Taehyung watches as she introduces herself, watches closely as she grips too tight onto the straps of her backpack that looks too common to be designer- then again, the girls here never carry backpacks for fear they might crease their uniforms because apparently fashion is more important than education- too worn down to be something new, just like the pair of converse she has on right now and Taehyung doesn't have to do much putting together before he's smiling wide at the new girl who doesn't catch his gaze as she bows politely to the rest of his unamused classmates after her brief introduction.

She takes a spot two seats down the row next to his and he can't help the smile growing on his face as he watches her shuffle around her seat to settle down. His eyes fall on her worn out converse once more and they light up with a certain kind of intent.

No one wears converse at this school.


"You did what?"

"Fucked her in it, then on it, she was screaming my name by the time we were done," Jimin says and Taehyung can practically hear the smug grin on his face even though he's got his own face buried in steak.

"Dude, didn't your dad ban you from using the Jaguar?" Namjoon asks and Jeongguk wolf whistles at the side. Taehyung still doesn't bother to look up from his lunch.

"He said I couldn't drive it, didn't say I couldn't use it." Jimin argues.

"I wouldn't let you anywhere near cars if I was your dad. Remember how he fucked up the Maserati that time he tried a reverse parking?"

Yoongi pipes up and Taehyung looks up just in time to see Jimin narrow his eyes at the silver haired boy.

"It was just a scratch, hyung."

Hoseok laughs. "I wouldn't call knocking the side mirror off its hinges a scratch."

The whole table erupts into laughter and Jimin scowls, flipping Hoseok off as he grumbles something intelligible under his breath. There's a change in conversation from cars to expensive wine to girls and Taehyung doesn't participate in any of them until Jeongguk brings up the name of a new transfer student and suddenly Taehyung's sitting up straight and paying more attention than he ever had in any class.

"She's on a scholarship apparently. I mean, one look and you can tell she's not one of us," Jeongguk continues and Taehyung just listens quietly.

"Yeah, those shoes were a giveaway," Yoongi snickers and the rest of the boys follow, except Taehyung.

"I find her pretty interesting," he voices out when their laughter dies down and they all turn to look at him as though he's grown a second head.

Hoseok is the first to break the silence. "Man, I forgot you were even here, you were so quiet the entire time."

Taehyung scoffs at that before promptly ignoring Hoseok and continuing. "Aren't you guys curious? A girl like her, with a family status no higher than your normal citizen, is able to attend Hanyang High and take classes with people like us?"

"Taehyung," Namjoon says warily. "What are you planning again?"

And for the first time at lunch today, Taehyung smiles his usual rectangular, boxy smile, eyes brimming with unspoken excitement.

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