rosekook; kiss of death

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prompt Hope, pray, faith; rosekook (succubus!au)


Jeongguk's not a believer, but as he stares into the very eyes he found so tempting just an hour ago, he's willing to throw his faith to God at a chance for redemption because this has got to be the worst hookup decision he's ever made.

"It's a little too late for regrets, don't you think?"

The woman's laugh echoes throughout the cheap hotel room, bouncing off the walls and traveling down his spine in a way that only makes him feel closer to death.

She had been the epitome of an invitation in his eyes at the sleazy bar just hours before, but now as she sits above his hips and rocks steadily to bring him to his high the only thing he wants to associate her with is an uninvited, unwelcome guest.

He can feel his mind separating from his body the longer she moves against him, and there's nothing much he can do except lay there and stare up at her, praying to the gods she takes pity on him and doesn't decide to finish him off tonight.

She must be blessed with the ability to read minds, because a disturbing smile pulls across her lips once the thought makes it way around his head.

"Ahh, I usually have a habit of saving food, only when I'm not hungry though."

She bends lower, and he feels her hot breath caress the shell of his ear.

"But tonight, I'm starving."

"A pity," he hears her sigh, but he no longer has the energy to reply her.

"You were such a good-looking one after all."

Her fingers run against his cheek, cold and heartless, appropriately suited for the demon she is and he wonders why he hadn't decided to question the weird body temperature back then when she'd first laid her hand on his thigh.

His crotch throbs in a whole other level of pleasure he's never felt before, and for a moment he's stuck between whether he wants to thank her or brutally shove her off.

She must feel how close he is, because she's leaning forward, flashing something like a victorious smile in front of him before she touches her lips to his own.

The last thing he sees is her red hair aflamed, red eyes staring as though waiting for him to finally close his eyes and he wonders how even in death he still finds her chillingly beautiful.

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