8 Years Later
Alex Tipler was rich.Filthy rich. No other way to put it.He was rich. That was how he came to buy our home, Farland. A small isolated country tucked away cosily on the edge of Europe.Gridlocked between Asia and Europe. We were happy where we were until he decided to come along. No election, no vote, no nothing. Our opinion counted for nothing just because he had a dozen zeros in his bank account. Being a businessman doesn't make you a good leader. Far from it in fact. Some disagree, sure Farland now makes more economically but lives are destroyed for a select few to live in another tier of luxury. For example, outside my home was a bustling market, an empire of flavours and beauty. Smooth silk, exploding tastes and intricate patterns swirling in dark shades. It wasn't just a market. It was passion. It was love. Emphasis on was.Now lies a squat grey building selling plastics wrapping. All gone, lives, homes and families all gone and for what? Some sticky decoration to wrap up presents we cant dream of affording. Farland, an industrial Utopia but for the average Joe an industrial invasion.I awoke early to enjoy the sunrise, the one hidden beauty our town had left to offer. My sandwich tasted bitter in my mouth like regret would. A manufactured slice of cheese did nothing for it; I missed the freshness every bite I would eat tasting better than the previous. Now it all tastes the same. I stroll out the door, my legs lagging behind me sadly, picturing my arrival at work. A few meaningless nods then another day of swimming through papers, desperately trying not to drown in the boredom of routine (and failing miserably). My life felt useless, anyone of importance was oblivious to my very existence, not that if they where they would care. All they would care about is the ludicrous speeds their flash cars could reach or how their golden watches cost moe than I would earn I a lifetime.
It now seems like as good a time as any to introduce myself. My name is Finn, short for Finnel, not Finlay and I will one day kill Alex Tipler...
To be continued...
At All Costs: Country of greed
AksiFor Alex Tipler buying a country is nothing. But for Finn, a boy who lives there it is something... And he plans to do something about it, at any cost