Exchange student. {1}

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( Art by koumi )



My alarm rings loudly , causing me to wake up and sit up quickly. I rub my eyes a bit with a sigh, the sun shining through my blinds, right into my eyes. I looked at my alarm and turned it off, throwing my legs over the side of my comfortable bed. I was sad, I didn't want to leave my bed, but I had to, sadly. I stood up as my Father knocked on my door. 

"Are you up?" he asked through the door. I smile a bit, happy to hear my father's voice. I walked to the door, opening the door with a smile, nodding.

 "Yes sir. I'll get ready for school right now." I said politely as my father nodded walking off. I closed the door and walked over to my dresser, getting out my clothes for the day. A lot of people couldn't understand my dad because of his (Ethnicity) Accent. 

After I stripped down to my underwear, about to pull my pants on, I got a notification on my phone. I let out a huff, pulling my pants on before taking my phone and looking at it. I got a text from an unknown number...

Unknown: Nice underwear, (Y/N)

I froze a bit before looking around my room, then out my window. There weren't any people out his window, and he couldn't see any video cameras. Another message showed up. 

Unknown: Don't try to find me. 
(Y/N): Who are you? Are you just playing a prank on me? This isn't funny. 
Unknown: Why do you think I'd do that to someone as cute as you? 
(Y/N): This is weird. Please, stop texting me.  

  I felt paranoid now, closing my phone and putting it down before continuing to get ready for school. My phone still buzzed with notifications, but I couldn't waste my time. If read them later. When i finished getting dressed, I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out of my room, looking around but not seeing my dad. 

He left for work without saying goodbye...I felt sad but shrugged it off. I quickly made myself some breakfast before grabbing my bag and walking out of my house. I got curious and took my phone out of my pocket, looking at the messages.

Unknown: Don't try to ignore me either, (Y/N).
Unknown: I know all about you.
Unknown: You can't hide from me. 
Unknown: You look cute when you're scared. 
Unknown: Fine. Be like that. But I'm not finished with you. 
Unknown: Also, watch out. 

I was cut off when I ran into someone. I let out a gasp, falling backwards onto the sidewalk, dropping my phone. I let out a soft groan before looking up as a hand was handed out to me. I saw three boys .Two boys with black hair, and one with orange hair. The orange haie's boy looked aggravated. 

I sheepishly took the taller blackette's hand, muttering a thank you as I picked up my phone. "Are you okay mister???" The smaller boy asked. I smiled softly at him, nodding.

"I'm sorry, I should've been paying attention. " I said. "Yeah. You should have." The orange boy huffed. Wow...rude... I thought, but shook it off. 

"Agh, don't worry about him. I'm Taro Yamada, and this is my little brother, Hanako." 'Taro' introduced. "And that's my best friend, Osano najimi." He said as 'Osano' hugged and looked away.

"We're going to be late, baka." Osano said, but Taeko just smiled. "You two can go on without me." He shook them off. Hanako hugged his brother before running off while osano slowly carried on behind him. "So, what's your name?" He asked .

"Oh, I'm (y/n) (l/n) it's nice to meet you!" I greeted, shaking his hand. "I'm new, I'm from (birthplace)." I introduced myself. 

"(Birthplace)?! I've always wanted  to go there! Tell me about it." Taro said as he walked to school side by side. I smiled as I talked with him on the walk to school, enjoying the company. He seemed nice! Maybe I just made a new friend...

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