Student Council {7}

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"Couldn't I just wear my gym uniform?" I asked, tilting my head. The pinkette blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I guess." He said softly. I nodded and ran off to the shower building, looking in my locker to find...nothing there?! I gasped, frowning deeply. Where did my clothes go?!

I walked back, grabbing the uniform and explaining to the guys. They were just as confused as I was.

After I got dressed, I whined pulling the skirt down, trying to let it cover more. I huffed softly, walking out, holding the skirt down.

I bumped into Aso, gasping a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said softly. He looked down at me, blushing a bit. "Do you need some help?" He asked, causing me to nod.

He took the jacket from around his waist, giving it to me. I smiled , wrapping it around my waist. "I'll give it back tomo-" "you can keep it." Aso cut me off, looking away with a blush on his face.

"Oh! I can't do that, this is yours..." I said before it then turned 8:00am. He quickly ran off to class. I sighed and walked to my class.

On my way, I ran into a boy with blue hair and an eyepatch.
"What are you up to? Back off!" He yelled at me as he pushed me away. I frowned deeply, watching him continue to walk off.

I just rolled my eyes and walks to class. I had never seen that boy before. He wore a different uniform too.

During class, Mr. Rana kept trying to get close to me, but every time he did, the boy next to me with glasses and short black hair would glare at him.  He had the same kind of outfit as the blue haired guy.

As class ended, I stood up and walked out of the class,  I was curious about those two boys...How come I've never seen them? I made my way outside, to the delinquents. I wanted to see Osoro again.

As I was walking, a white haired boy with a zebra patterned scarf bumped into me, but ended up hip bumping me, "nope."

His eyes were dark as well. I huffed as he walked. He had the same uniform. "What's with all these guys pushing me." I huffed, beginning to walk again.

Unbeknownst to me, He was smirking at what he heard.

As I made it to the delinquents, I grinned, seeing Osoro. I tapped on his shoulder lightly, causing him to turn to look at me, his mean eyes softening a tiny bit at the sight of me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Nothing, I just thought I'd pay my favorite delinquent a visit." I said, deciding to tease him.

His face turned red, blushing deeply. He looked away, shaking his head a bit. "Yeah right. If you're here to start a fight, rethink that."

I frowned and shook my head. "Im not looking for a fight...Join me for lunch!" I smiled, he was obviously taken aback by me.

"W-why would I do that?" He asked, raising a thin eyebrow. "Because I'm cute?' I asked, grinning up at him.

He just mumbled something be for sighing. "Fine. But you're giving me your bento, (y/n)."

I smiled and nodded, grabbing his big, rough hand and pulling him over to one of the sakura blossom trees.

(Osoro pov)

I spent all lunch with (Y/N), eating his bento box, occasionally letting him eat some. He spoke about  what he liked, what he didnt, and everything else. I was a bit surprised, seeing we had some similar interests.

As I finished the bento, I looked up at (y/n) as he was talking. He looked...stunning. The wind tangled in his hair, sakura blossom petals fell around him. He looked perfect. I soon realized I was starting when (y/n) looked at me weirdly.

"You okay? He asked. I just nodded as lunch came to an end and he went to class.

(3rd person pov)

After school, it was cleaning time. (Y/c) cleaned the floors, bending down and hoping no one would see up the skirt he was wearing.

Soon, he heard a gasp from behind him. He sat up, looking back , seeing a boy with red hair in a side ponytail in the same uniform as the others he saw.

"This isn't good...Who put you in a girl's uniform, dear?' He asked, pulling him up.

"Ah...The nurse. I got a bucket of water poured on me. I tried to look for my gym uniform, but it wasnt in my locker. Then the nurse said they didn't have any boy uniforms..." (y/n) explained .

"Poor thing. Come with me, I wouldn't want you to have to go home like this . " The nice boy said, leading him to a room.

In the room were the three boys from earlier, black haired guy, white haired guy, and blue haired guy.  The four spoke, huddled up for a few minutes, some of them shooting glances at (Y/n) every so often.

Then, they seperated, the redhead smiling at him. "We've got a spare outfit for you! Come with me." He pulled him out of the room, into the storage closet before looking through some boxes, pulling out a white button up shirt and pants. "Here you are." He handed then to him with a smile.

"Oh thank you." (Y/c) said happily before watching the redhead. "C-could you...leave? I need to change."

"Oh, no! I have to take your uniform." He explained. "...could you turn around?" (Y/n) asked.

"Nope. I have to be on guard at all  times, you could try to kill me." He smiled. The shorter male groaned and turned away, starting to get dressed, feeling the red head's eyes on him.

Once he finished , he gave the uniform to the redhead before quickly leaving the school. On his way home, he looked down at Aso's jacket, smiling a bit as he put it on,  cuddiling it.

Once he got home, he got a text.

Info kun : It was totally worth it.

(Y/c) : What was worth it?

Info kun : I had a student steal your clothes from your locker, and all the male uniforms~

(Y/c) : What?! You perv! I'm going to tell the whole school about you!!

Info kun : no no,  you can't do that. Have you forgotten what I can do?

Info kun : D o y o u w a n t y o u r d a d t o d i e ?

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