A new beginning

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I can't wait for tomorrow! It's a going to be a really big day! I can finally get baptized by the goddess Saili herself and start my escapade as an official adventurer. I'm so excited for tomorrow, but so nervous at the same time. Wish me luck mom, wherever you are up there. And so, I get under the covers of my bed and sleep awaiting the life changing day tomorrow.

During in Alan's dream

"Alan, oh young hero Alan." A voice whispers

"Huh, who's there" I ask in the white mist. This mysterious voice, is this a dream?

"Alan, oh young hero Alan." The voice whispers yet again

"Hello, who's there?" I ask as I look around for at least some sign of an entity yet I find nothing there.

"Alan, oh young hero Alan, you must defeat the dinosaur lord, or else nothing will ever be at peace." The voice whispers in its traditional soft tone

"Wait what? Who exactly are you?" I ask

"I am......." Just before the voice can finish its sentence, the dream seems to stop, and I wake up from my slumber.

The next day

A new morning, a new day. I wake up elated for the future. But that voice, just who was that voice in my dream? It couldn't be who I think it is right? No, it couldn't possibly be, it must have been my imagination running wild in that dream. Well, i'm not going to worry about that now since I have a very important day today. I go down the stairs and quickly get dressed in proper attire and serve myself some eggs and bread to eat for breakfast. I then enter my mothers room, an important place to me. I kneel beside her bed, praying for her to look after me. Well mother, I'm officially going to become and adventurer and start my quest across the world to achieve peace, please watch over me. If she were still here today, she probably wouldn't let me go on the same path my father took, but I made an oath that I would do this to make her proud and promise to not have the same fate as my father. Yeah, I will continue where my father left off and defeat the current dinosaur lord! I bow one last time and say a quick "wish me luck" before leaving the room.

I guess that's all I needed to do right? I got all my things packed, food and supplies, and toiletries. I guess all I need now is some sort of weapon since I will most definitely have to defend myself on the way. I though know just where to get it. I lock the my inn's doors and leave a "sorry, we will be closed for a while" sign on the front door. I then start walking towards the blacksmith shop. People all around me start to greet me and wishing me luck on this journey. Oh yeah, that's right isn't it? I told everyone in the village that I was going to go on my adventure today. I wave back to everyone and especially Mrs. Sattler, who helped me out since the day my mother died.

"You're going on your quest I presume?" asks Mrs. Sattler

"Yes" I say, "I'm going to get baptized and head out for my one sole goal, coexistence and peace."

"It's is going to be a dangerous trip, here, let me give you this."

Mrs. Sattler hands me what seems to be a small med kit, having a few bandages and some herbal medicine.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Sattler, I'll be sure to be careful."

"That's good my dear, now go, Can't have you waiting here any longer."

I start to continue my walk to the blacksmith and wave back to Mrs. Sattler. It will be a long journey, I may never tell when I'll come here again. I stop by the blacksmith shop, entering and greeting the local blacksmith, by which he smiles brightly back at me.

"Oi Alan, good to see you here! Here to by weapons for your journey." He says

"Yes, every adventurer needs a weapon when going on their journey." I respond, "I was looking for a sword, not too big, versatile, and easy to use."

The blacksmith touches his mustache, probably thinking of a sword that best fits that description. Then, he seems to have an idea since his face lights up and goes to the sword section of the room. I picks up what seems to be a medium sized sword, thin but noticeably sharp and pointy.

"This is the finest i've got, made out of the quality metal and iron, reasonably durable, and relatively easy to use" he boasts, "It's also really light for its looks, and is definitely the sword in my shop that best fits the description"

I take a look at the sword, it's blade is as shiny as a diamond. It is good quality, and certainly a weapon I would purchase. 

"Alright, how much do you want for it" I ask.

"Oh, it's on the house" he said, "For your adventure, I want you to get a good head start on behalf of me and the rest of the villagers."

"Really? Oh, thank you." I said

"Don't mention it."

I took the sword and sheathed it and gave the blacksmith my utmost thanks. I then exited the shop and started heading towards the Sail temple to get baptized. It was a long trek, but I finally arrived. There was a lot of stairs, this is going to be tiring. After climbing the whole fleet of stairs, I meet a priest that looked at me with a look disbelief.

"I am here for the baptism of Saili." I say

"I'm afraid that we cannot do that" the priest muttered

I freeze in shock after hearing that statement. What? Why can't they?

"Why?" I ask

"Saili, for some apparent reason, hasn't descended from the heavens today to baptize any heroes, and so we had to send them all off home." The priest said

"Oh is that the case? Well, I guess i'll be on my way then." I discontentedly say

"We're truly sorry for this inconvenience." The priest says in a soft voice

I couldn't believe it. She didn't come down to baptize anybody? What does this mean I wonder. That in itself is odd, but the fact that she didn't show up when I was ready, I mean, talk about inconvenient. People who aren't baptized by her stay as normal citizens. It is only when you get baptized that they will declare you a hero. So, that means I'm not a hero. Damn it, I just can't accept it. I've been waiting for this day my entire life! Of course I can't accept it! But there's nothing I can do at this point, and I don't want to wait 10 years for the next baptism. What should I do? Right when I think that however, I hear and feel what seems to bee an explosion not far from where I am. What was that? A bomb? No, why would there be a bomb in the middle of the forest, that wouldn't make sense. So what is it at that point? I don't know, but whatever it is, It could be dangerous for the people in my village! Even though i'm not a hero, I still wanna do what's right dammit!

I run towards the source of the loud explosion, I can very clearly see the dust and smoke in the air. Based on the size of that dust cloud, it wan't very big. I keep running and running until I find it. There's a small yet very deep crater, I can't exactly see to well into it with all this dust and smoke though. Once it clears however, what I find in there seems to be in the shape of a human. It looks like...... a girl?

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