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Austin' P.O.V.

We just walked for a while,just enjoying each other's presence.It was nice,but I just felt like this happened before.This is just really wierd.Maybe the journal said the truth.We really did that before.Maybe...

Ally laughed at my jokes and sometimes I made her blush,which caused me to smile and chuckle at her cuteness.I took a look down at my wrist to check my watch .Why?I want to show Ally something I did for her.

I gabbed her hand and I told her to close her eyes.She smiled and she did just as I told her.She almost tripped so I had to hold her waist.Again:Not that I'm complaining

When we finally got, there I told her to open her eyes again.Her jaw dropped and a smile creeped on her face.I guess she likes it?I let go of her so she could look around.When I pulled out the sparks in my hands disappeared,but I still could feel the butterflies.

Ally:Austin! This is so beautiful!

Austin:So I guess you like it?


Austin:Oh. :(

Ally:I love it. :)

Austin:I'm glad you do.I made it for you.

Ally:You did this?


Ally:This is the cutest thing everyone did for me! ^.^

Austin:Well...I tryed.

Ally:*hugs him*Thank you.

Austin:*hugs back*You're welcome :D

Yes!She hugged me.As soon as we pulled out we sat down.You're probably wondering where are we and what did I do for her.Right?

Should I tell you?Hmmm.Ehh sure.Why not?

I made a pick nick under a big tree with the most beautiful river in front of us,but I'm pretty sure she liked mostly what I settled up for us.There are a lot of roses on a blanket and some candles and some surprises,but I hid them.

We talked for a while 'till she playfully punched me and I fell in the water.

I then dragged her with me.When we came out for air,we were an inch apart.Cliché much?

After that we dried our clothes and we watched the sunset.Well she was.I was starring at her.I leaned my back against the tree and she sat in between my legs.A smile grew on my face and I think I saw her blushing.I know for sure I did.

Afer the moon came ,out we started to eat.Of course that's why I brought the candles.Then I gave her a bouquet of flowers and she kissed my cheek.We both smiled at each other and I gave her another gift.

A necklace with an 'A' on it.From Austin,but I guess she thinks it's from Ally,but I don't mind thought.I just love the way she smiles.After that I cleaned everything. She wanted to help,but I didn't let her.

I lead her to our horse and we went home.Alice was sleeping so we said our 'Good nights' and we went to bed.This day just couldn't get any better.

Where those ideas came from?From Alice's journal.This book is really useful!

I fell asleep thinking about how awesome was this day.I still have this deja vu feeling thought.I think Ally did too.Eh.I shrugged it off.I don't want to think about it anymore.Suddenly I started dreaming...

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