Girl time Pt. 1

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Daisy's P.O.V


We laughed at Madea in Madea goes to jail. I feel so relaxed but I still feel like a hole has been put in my heart.

"Daisy? Do want more ice cream?" Merlia asked getting herself more ice cream.

"Uh yeah. But get me some vanilla." I said holding my bowl out.

She grabbed it and got the ice cream and handed it back to me.

"Thanks prego." I joked.

Merlia started laughing and was soon joined by Jordan and Rose.

"Guys I'm not that pregnant!" Merlia said through her laughs.

"Hell yeah you are! I mean look at that belly." Jordan said rubbing Merlia's 7 month belly.

"Rose, didn't you say you wanted to have another baby?" Merlia asked.

"Well yeah but Craig doesn't seem like he does. He says Nia is enough." Rose said.

"Damn. Hearing that must hurt." Jordan said.

Rose nodded.

"Well at least you get to drink wine. I haven't tasted wine in 7 months! 7 MONTHS!" Merlia said making us all laugh.

Jordan went to kitchen and brought back a soda.

"What about you Jordan? Do you want more kids?" Rose asked.

"Tara is a handful but I wouldn't mind a son." Jordan said.

"Guys, you know what we should do?" Jordan said.

"Have wine?" Rose suggested and then Merlia gave her a look as almost to say 'I will hurt you'.

"No, the boys are all over Daisy's house. We should sneak in and shut off all the lights and scare them and then run off." Jordan said.

"What if someone has a heart attack or something?" Merlia said. She was always the most sensible of us all.

"Rose is a doctor, it's all good!" Jordan said.

"Let's do it. I know where the kill switch for the lights are. I'll turn them off and Rose and Jordan will run in and stand in place. I'll turn them on for them to get scared. Kill the lights and you guys run out. Then we'll have Merlia waiting in the car so we can speed off once we are done." I said with an evil laugh.

We all high-fived and went to Jordan's room to put on black clothes.

"Kara has this mask that Ray bought for her. I'm gonna put that on, Rose wear this black halo. And Daisy you take the nerf gun." Jordan said while handing stuff to us.

Merlia put a black jacket on and we were all ready to go.

Soon we were all in Jordan's black Range Rover on our way to my house.

"Ok the switch is in the garage. They can't hear the garage door open and the living room light is on. They are obviously there. So Rose and Jordan will run into the house through the garage and I'll give you guys 30 seconds to get into position. Then i'll turn the lights back on. Just stand still, after I hear a scream I'll turn them back off and you guys take of through the front door. I'll turn them on and meet you guys at the car. Merlia, as soon as everyone is in, pedal to the medal. Got it?" I said taking a breath.

Everyone nodded and we ran towards the garage.

I opened it and got towards to the switch box. I have Jordan a thumbs up and they opened the door and I turned off the light and started counting to 30.

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