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Tails came in and saw her. "Shadow, what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant!" she cried. Pushing her face into the pillow again, she resumed sobbing.

The fox's eyes widened in shock. "I'm assuming you don't want it?"

Shadow shook her head. She didn't want to abort it. Maybe she could give it up for adoption. "I do want it. I just don't think it's... Sonic has enough to deal with right now."

Tails thought about it. "Maybe you could raise it by yourself, or give the baby up for adoption when it's born."

Shadow hesitated; she was thinking about doing the latter. What she couldn't do was abort it; she didn't like that. "I'll see how everything turns out. Right now, I think I'm going to give it up for adoption."

Tails hesitated, and then nodded. He left the room and closed the door as Shadow continued to sob. If she and Sonic hadn't gotten drunk and had sex, this wouldn't have happened. "Why did I let that happen?" she asked her pillow. "If I hadn't been so stupid..."

She continued to sob. Shadow wasn't sure what to do now with Sonic in a mental hospital. Tails looked at the door one more time before whimpering and heading downstairs. Hearing her crying was going to make him start crying if he didn't find something to distract himself with. He hesitated, then went into his room and went to bed. All the crying eventually faded, turning to small hiccups as Shadow fell asleep.

The next day, Shadow woke up and went downstairs. The phone rang and she answered it; it was the mental hospital.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Is this Shadow the Hedgehog?"

"It is. To whom am I speaking to?"

"This is the manager of the hospital. We wanted to let you know that Sonic has been moved here."

"That...that's...nice," Shadow hesitated. "How long will he be there?"

"All we can say for certain is that he's going to be here for a long time."

"Can we visit him at all?"

"We'll let you know when you can."

Shadow nodded. "He's there because of his schizophrenia and other...complications, right? What will happen to him?"

The manager was silent for a few moments, and Shadow could hear him looking through some papers. "We're going to do our best to help him."

"Thank...thank you," Shadow said. She hung up and sat on the couch, sobbing in grief.

She didn't know what she would do if Sonic didn't recover. Shadow wouldn't be able to do anything; she loved Sonic, but he was...mental now, and wasn't like the Sonic she used to know.

"Tails!" she yelled.

The fox came running downstairs. "What is it?" He asked, concerned.

"The mental hospital just called. Sonic's been moved there, and they're going to do everything they can to help him."

"That's good. Can we visit him?"

Shadow shook her head. "He said they would call us when he was allowed to have any visitors." Shadow gave him a sad smile. "I don't think that's going to happen for a long time."

Tails sighed. "What will happen to him?"

"I don't know."

Shadow frowned and put a had on her abdomen. She had been thinking about it last night, and had come to a decision that she didn't want this baby. It would remind her too much of Sonic.

"Tails, I can't keep this baby. It'll remind me of Sonic too much."

"So, you're going to abort it?" Tails asked.

Shadow shrugged. She closed her eyes and nodded hesitantly. Tears came to her eyes and she began to cry. The moment the tears started down her cheeks, Tails put his hands on her shoulders.

"If the thought's making you cry, don't do it."

"Why shouldn't I?" Shadow asked him. "It was a mistake from the beginning. Sonic and I never meant to have sex; we were drunk! I love him, but he doesn't love me back yet! And now he's...he's..." She sobbed even more. "I can't have this baby!"

"All right, Shadow. I'll call the hospital and tell them you decided to have an abortion." Tears were building up in the fox's eyes as well as he watched Shadow sit there sobbing. "Please, stop crying."

Shadow stood up and ran upstairs, slamming the door behind her and locking it. She fell on the bed and continued to sob. Tails watched her run upstairs before biting his lower lip. Ears bending down, he tried not to whimper as he went to the phone and dialed the number. A few minutes later, he hung up. The appointment would be a few days from now. He walked upstairs and knocked on the door.

"What the hell do you want?" Shadow asked. "Go away!"

"I called the hospital, and the doctor set an appointment for a few days from now."

"That's fine. I just wish...Sonic was here."

Tails nodded and went downstairs.

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