Shocking News

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Back at the house, Tails had turned on the television to watch something. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the report about a mental patient that had killed everyone at the psychiatric hospital and just escaped.

"Shadow!" Tails called. "I think we need to do something about this!"

"What is it?" She asked, running downstairs. "What happened?" Her eyes widened as she saw the report. "A mental patient did this, and is loose? Who?"

"I'm assuming it was Sonic, but I could be wrong."

Shadow gasped and turned up the volume, listening to the report.

"Earlier tonight, a patient at Station Square Mental Hospital has escaped," the reporter said. "Security footage shows him murdering people violently with a knife before escaping. Police have identified him as Sonic the Hedgehog, and are searching for him as we speak. He is considered insane, and is armed and highly dangerous."

"I can't watch any more," Shadow said, looking at Tails. "Why would Sonic do this?"

"His mental illness?" Tails suggested.

"That explains it," Shadow said. "But...schizophrenia can't do this to a person...can it?"

Tails shook his head. "From what I do know, I wouldn't think so."

"Then why would he...?"

Tails just shook his head. "Should we try to stop him? It's our fault. We shouldn't have let him get this bad in the first place."

"It isn't or fault...he never told us he was like this. Things might have turned out differently if he had. And I don't think it would be a good idea to try and stop him...he could kill us, or worse."

"So we don't have any choice but to let him do this?"

"I...I don't know, Tails. We don't even know where the fuck he is!"

Tails backed away from Shadow, whimpering. "I'm sorry. I just..."

Shadow shook her head and sighed, then stood up and turned off the television. "We don't need to fill our minds with this kind of shit," she said.

"What do you want to do now?"

"Stay here. Lock all the doors and windows and set the alarm. We can't have Sonic getting in here."

Tails nodded and did so. Shadow sighed and sat on the couch. She put her hand on her abdomen, thinking about both Sonic and her baby. What was she going to do? Tails looked over at her, coming to sit beside her on the couch.

"Still thinking about the baby?" Shadow nodded. Tails leaned back against the couch and looked at Shadow's abdomen. "It's a great chance at life," he said. "Your baby will be great, I bet. Personally, I'd keep it but if you don't want it..."

Shadow looked over at Tails. "You're right. I never wanted to abort it in the first place. But if it'll just remind me of Sonic..."

"You could put it up for adoption."

Shadow nodded and sighed. If she went through with her pregnancy, she might change her mind about it. "What if I decide I want to keep it?"

Tails shrugged. "If you do, I'm sure you'll take good care of it." The female hedgehog hesitated, looking away. "What's wrong?" Tails asked.

"I...I don't know if I can take care of a baby," she said. "I've never been a mother...and I never really wanted this to happen. It was an accident. If I give birth to this baby, I'll put it up for adoption."

Tails nodded. "That's understandable. I'll be here for you, Shadow."

Shadow smiled. "Thanks," she said, and hugged him. Sighing, she went upstairs and closed the door, wondering what Sonic was doing.

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