Murder on Christmas Island

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When Sonic reached Christmas Island, he looked around. He chuckled evilly and walked over to his parent's house. The voices in his head were growing stronger. Once there, he kicked the door. A few minutes later, the door opened and Manic stood there.

"Sonic?" Manic was surprised to see the state his brother was in. "What's happened to you?"

Sonic giggled. "They say I'm insane..." he said and walked inside. "Perhaps I am."

Manic frowned. "Sonic...are you okay? How did you lose your arms? What's..."

Sonic turned to glare at Manic. "I'll explain that later. Get everyone together, would you?"

His brother nodded and did so. Soon, Sonia and Aleena stood in front of him, shocked by his appearance.

"So," Sonia said. "What's going on?"

Sonic looked at his family and giggled again. Their faces turned to concern. The insane, schizophrenic hedgehog looked at them and grinned, then spoke. "I need a place to stay." Before any of them could say anything, Sonic explained everything that had happened.

Their eyes widened in fear.

"Uh...sure..." Manic said. Sonic nodded and went into his old room. The three hedgehogs went into their own, discussing Sonic. "He's insane," Manic told his mother and sister. "You saw him!"

"What do you want us to do?" Sonia asked. "He'll probably kill us if we don't let him stay here."

"I don't know...most likely he'll kill us anyway...we need to fight back if he does."

Aleena frowned, scared and sad for her son. "What we need to do is find him help that he can't kill," she said. Aleena hugged herself, looking down and away from her children. "I don't think that's possible, though..."

"What the hell should we do?" Manic yelled. "He already killed the people at the mental institution and escaped!"

"I don't know," Aleena said. "Why don't we think about it for a while? Something's bound to come to one of us."

The royal family nodded and lay down, thinking about Sonic.

In Sonic's room, the schizophrenic hedgehog was hearing the voices in his head again, and they were telling him terrible things about his family.

"No!" he shouted. "I don't believe you!" Sonic shook his head, wishing he could get them to stop it.

Your family hates you, they said. They'll turn you in...kill them like you did the others.

Sonic hesitated, looking at the knife he brought with him. An insane grin formed on his face and he giggled madly. "Yes, all right. If they're going to turn me in... They won't be giving me any other choice."

He chuckled and stood up, taking the knife with him. Exiting the bedroom, he went to their rooms and watched them sleep. They wouldn't suspect a thing... Sonic thought it over before deciding which one to kill first. Going into Manic's room, he went over to the bed and looked at his brother. He chuckled, then raised he knife  telekinetically and drove it into Manic's skin. Then green hedgehog snapped his eyes open and screamed in pain as blood flew in the air, spattering Sonic. Sonic smiled down at Manic, enjoying the screams he was forcing from the other hedgehog. The blood on Sonic soon ended as Manic died. Chuckling madly, he was about to walk out of the room when he saw Sonia and Aleena run in. Their eyes widened in shock as they saw the scene.

"Sonic...why?" Sonia asked.

"Because the three of you are going to get rid of me!" he shouted. The knife was pointed at the two of them. Sonic's eyes narrowed. "You deserve it."

"Manic was ARE insane..."

Sonic snarled at them and attacked before they had time to fully comprehend what he was about to do. They screamed in pain as the knife slashed their stomachs open. Blood gushed out, littering the floor with it. Aleena and Sonia gasped in pain as they fell to the floor in their own pool of blood. Sonic watched as the two of them died. He laughed maniacally, and then dipped his fingers in the blood and write a message on the wall. After he did that, he went back into his own room.

Good, the voices said. Eliminate anyone who wants to stop you.

Sonic nodded in agreement. That was what he planned to do. The insane hedgehog smiled and fell asleep. Next day, he got up. Police would have heard about this, so he had to leave. Closing his eyes, he teleported to the ARK.

Another chapter completed! Vote and comment plz for more updates!

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