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"Really? Doesn't sound like it to me." I smiled innocently.

"My imagination." Yuri laughed.

"What was it like? Did he flash that cute gummy smile at you?" I asked.

"Yes! I was going to die of happiness. If only hobi would do that, too." she said.

"How'd you get to call him?" I asked another question.

Our conversation was as if I was clueless. Yuri was happy and honestly, that made me happy. Yoongi had went down the hall to do something. Maybe nature was calling? Yuri soon frowned when I asked her that.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My phone is about to die." she said.

"Charge it." I smiled.

"Will do. I will tell you everything later! Bye!" she hung up.

This had to be an awkward situation I was ever put in. I felt wrong for lying to her. My plan was to get Hoseok to call her but it would be obvious if it was now. I wanted to tell her about knowing BTS personally. I wanted to tell her the truth. This is a lie I would have to live, for now atleast.


Ḧël̈l̈ö f̈r̈ïën̈d̈s̈, ÿës̈ Ï äm̈ b̈äc̈k̈! S̈ör̈r̈ÿ f̈ör̈ ẗḧïs̈ ëẍẗr̈ëm̈ël̈ÿ s̈ḧör̈ẗ c̈ḧäp̈ẗër̈. Ï ḧäv̈ë s̈ö m̈üc̈ḧ ẗö ẅr̈ïẗë än̈d̈ ẗḧïs̈ ïs̈ j̈üs̈ẗ ä s̈m̈äl̈l̈ c̈ḧäp̈ẗër̈ b̈ëf̈ör̈ë ẗḧë b̈ïg̈ ön̈ë! T̈ḧë n̈ëẍẗ c̈ḧäp̈ẗër̈ m̈äÿ ẗäk̈ë öv̈ër̈ ä ẅëëk̈ ẗö ẅr̈ïẗë, s̈ö ẗür̈n̈ ön̈ m̈ÿ n̈öẗïf̈ïc̈äẗïön̈s̈ ẗö s̈ëë ẅḧën̈ ïẗ ïs̈ üp̈!! Ḧöp̈ë ÿöü ën̈j̈öÿëd̈!! Än̈n̈ÿëön̈g̈!

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