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Valentine's Day was only two days ago and all I could remember was Yoongi. Him doing so much. It was like flying above the world and past space. As if it were all just a dream. Maybe it could have been?

I would like to have my parents back. Back so they could meet Yoongi. I think they would love him.


"Yooni, don't forget this, okay?" my father sat next to me on my bed.

I was crying. Crying because I was lied to. Because I thought I had a best friend. She spread rumours about me, told lies about me. Tsuki was right about her, Tora was a horrible person who I should have never gotten close to in the first place. Funny how I trusted someone I barely knew.

"What is it?" I ask.

"If it's meant to be, it'll be. Tsuki and you will always be best friends. Don't doubt it, I can feel it. You guys in 7 years will still be best friends." He smiled.

"Okay. What if I never find love?" my 14 year old self asks.

"Trust me, you will. He will be perfect for you." he frowned.

I go over his words in my head and think about it. He would be perfect for me? What if he was wrong about that? What if I isolated myself from every guy because I was scared. That's when I saw the sad look on my father's face. Something had to be bothering him and it made me worry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's a shame I won't get to meet him." he got up.

"Why wouldn't you be able to meet him?" I grab his hand.

"I-I would be working all of the time." he pat my head and left me.

I stood there in my dim lit room, my thoughts filling the empty spaces of time. My mind wonders why, why wouldn't I show him my boyfriend? I wasn't that selfish and would never be.

That morning I found out that he had a disease that he wouldn't live very long. It was horrible. Everyday since that day, I would prepare myself if he ever died in the next minute. What I didn't know is that my mother would die first, a few months before him.

He was right about that. About everything that would happen. Tsuki and I were still friends, not as close as we were but, still pretty close. My father would never get to meet Yoongi and he didn't. What's next with this? What new chapter awaits in my life?

Will I die young?

Woah sorry for not updating in almost 2 months! School has been my worries more! LOLOLOL Anyways, what are some suggestions on the next chapter?

*Yoongi POV?
*Hoseok POV?
*Yooni POV?

Also I updated Blue Side! Check it out!

Dreams - Min YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now