Holly Spends a Fortune on Me

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Pippin POV

I still felt really guilty for beating the crap out of my girlfriend. She waved it off, but she'll probably have to stay in the infirmary.

I found Percy. "She didn't break up with me."

"Oh, really? That's good." He wasn't really paying attention, but I didn't want to get in another fight, so I left him alone.

I went back to the infirmary. I was getting tired. Holly was on the bed. She looked up and smiled. "Hey."

"Look, I'm sorry for-" She cut me off.

"I'm perfectly fine," she whispered. "Honestly, I just wanted a night here to spend extra time with you." I loved my girlfriend for moments like this.

I grinned. "Okay. I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." I then went to sleep.


•it's Saturday now•

Holly woke me up. "Get up, sleepyhead! You slept through Capture the Flag!"

I sat up. "How long have I been out for?"

"A few days. Actually, the Apollo kids wouldn't let you wake up. Something about healing completely."

Well, I did feel a lot better. That's good.

She kissed my forehead. "Happy birthday."

Now I knew why she was so distant and un-Holly-like.

"What did you do?" I demanded.

She laughed. "Get changed. Your dad is waiting for us." She left.

Ten minutes later we were in my dad's car, on the way to-well, I'm not really sure yet.

"So, you two are a couple, hmm?" I wish my dad had a mute button.

Holly nodded.

My dad grinned. "Who asked who?"

"I was going to, but Pippin made the first move." Holly admitted.

Dad winked at me. I groaned. "Where are we going?"

"We're here!" Oh gods. She must have spent a fortune.

"You're taking me to a Broadway musical?!"

"Yep," she smiled. "Hope you like Phantom of the Opera."

The musical was really good. I'd never seen it before, but Holly had.

"Thanks, Holly," I said. "Are we going back to camp now?"

She laughed. "Heck no. We've barely started."

My eyes widened. "You mean there's more?! How much money did you spend?!"

She shrugged. "Before this, I haven't ever spent my allowance, so I had a lot."

"You didn't have to do this," I told her.

She grinned. "But I wanted to go to Laser Tag."

"We're going to Laser Tag?!" I probably crushed her in the hug I gave her. "You rock!"

She laughed. "I know. Now come on, your dad's waiting."

When we got there, all of my friends from San Francisco were there. I was beyond shocked.

"How did you-" Holly smirked and held up my phone. I'd put in all of their numbers shortly before the plane crash.

I grabbed it. "You-"

"Dude, your girlfriend rocks!" Chase walked over and grinned. We had been neighbors before I moved. "She paid for our plane tickets and everything!"

"You WHAT?!" I smacked Holly upside the head, but not hard enough to hurt. "How much money did you really spend?!"

She counted on her fingers then grinned. "Around 7,000 bucks. Your dad helped."

"Not really," he admitted. "She was only short about 500."

"I wish she wasn't taken," Will complained.

Holly flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Well, too bad."

Chase, Will, Gavin, Jake, and Liam introduced themselves to Holly, and Holly introduced herself to them.

"Did you not do this over the phone?" I asked.

"Of course not," Holly said. "You know me, I forgot to."

I grinned. "Yeah, that isn't too surprising. Let's start this, then."

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