Aphrodite Infiltrates my Brain

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Holly POV

I feel like such a jerk. Pippin probably hates me now, and I was hoping we could be friends...

Please don't tell anyone I said this, but I kind of have a small crush on him. I know, we just met, but I swear, I just want to run my hands through his brown curls and stare into his blue eyes-and now I know who's putting those thoughts into my head. Aphrodite.

Shut up!

"What?" Pippin sounded alarmed.

"Sorry!" I said quickly. "Just thought out loud. It wasn't you."

He looked confused, but left me to my thoughts.

Anyway, we finally got to 6th hour. Pippin looked amazed, and I didn't blame him. We were in a giant oval shaped room. Loads of weapons (fake, of course) were lined up against the wall. The teacher was-wait what?

"Hi Holly!" Grover was limping over to me.

I was speechless. How was he here?

"Is that your teacher?" Pippin whispered to me.

I managed to shake my head, then regained my composure.

"Hey Grover. What are you doing here?" Next to me, Pippin sighed with relief. I made a mental reminder to ask him about that later.

"Oh, your teacher's gone, so I'm filling in. Everyone, quiet down!" Of course, no one payed attention to him, so I yanked the microphone from his hands, knowing he wouldn't really care.

"SHUT UP!!" Everyone jumped. I smiled sweetly and handed the microphone back to Grover.

He rolled his eyes. Obviously, since he's known me for four years, he wasn't surprised by my volume or sudden action. "Today we're using the swords. Work in groups of two. Of course, there was an odd number, so Daniel, Pippin and I were a group of 3...for five seconds.

"Holly, can I talk to you for a sec?" I shrugged and walked over.

"Hellhound. In the school. Go out and fight it." I gulped and nodded.

I had ran out of the room by that point. I could hear a few people, Pippin and Daniel included, asking where I was going. I had to keep them safe.

Honestly, I didn't find the hellhound. It tackled me. By the time I sent it back to Tartarus (I won't go into details) I was exhausted. Fortunately, I only had one cut. Unfortunately, it was very deep, at least six inches long, and in the middle of my forehead.

It must have been pretty bad, since I blacked out. I didn't have pleasant dreams.

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