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You told me I wouldn't feel it
That if I closed my eyes
And counted to 10
Maybe, just maybe, it would be quick

But I'm no stranger to deception
I listened to you and like everyone else,
You lied
I felt everything
You counted to 5
And it came from behind

And as I laid there
Covered in blood
You looked into my eyes
And said
"Now you know my pain"
And that hurt the most

They say grown men don't cry
But in that moment
I felt lost
Who was behind me, you ask?
The man I called friend
I was stabbed, but the only pain I felt
Was the pain of a broken promise

The only two people I dared trust
turned on me the fastest
And I realized
I was alone in this world
The pain consumed me
A parasitic relationship
But I lived and I learned and I moved on.

The Concrete Rose: A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now