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Stephanie took off the hat and handed control of the Savage Razor over to Alf so he could guided it through the starways into a secluded area.

Catherine smiled at, her took off her own hat clasped her hands together and shook with joy as the dimensional door to the only pressurized room on the Savage Razor opened displaying XRenia and two droids holding arm full of groceries. She dashed over and started pick through them.

"Ship wide communication," Stephanie said and shouted, "Boys come to the mess hall and help us put away the food!"

Shortly one of the tubular structures along the wall flickered and open to the room on the ship they had retrofit as a rec room and Steven and Michael walked through Daniel however was nowhere in sight.

"Daniel you get in here now!" She shouted then joined the boys in helping Catherine grabbed the bags.

"Whoa. This is a lot of groceries," Steven said as Catherine pushed bag after bag at him. "Where did you get all the money?"

"I used XRenia to open a new credit balance in her name," Stephanie answered.

"What we can't pay that off!" Steven exclaimed.

Stephanie shrugged and handed him another bag.

"Alf display receipts," Michael said as he carried his bags to the hyperbolic cooling chamber.

"Guy's I figured out our first target!" Daniel happily proclaimed as he passed through one of the dimensional doors and into the mess hall.

"There you are," Stephanie snapped. "Get over here and help us put away the food."

He completely ignored her as he pulled out his medallion and projected a life-size image of a muscular tall bald man with tattoos on both sides of his neck. "Meet 'The Assassin'. And yes that's actually his call sign."

"He doesn't sound like a very imaginative fellow," Stephanie responded. "And I thought I told you I'm not okay with bounty hunting."

"It's not like we have much of a choice now," Michael muttered holding up a hologram displaying the subtotal of all the groceries ranging well over a thousand. "Why in the world would you buy so much?"

"Well what do you expect," Stephanie snapped. "We've been surviving off wild fruits and berries and the odds and ends of extremely over process fake foods that we can buy out here on the outer rim without raising suspicion for months. This is the first time in a long time that we've had access to the open markets of the core worlds of course were going to buy some decent healthy foods. I also bought a lot of farming supplies as well though if you must know so it's not all food."

"So bounty hunting it is then," Steven scoffed. "At least it looks like Daniel selected a target with a big payout."

Daniel shuffled, "Ah, not exactly."

Michael raised an eyebrow at him.

"It pays only a little bit over one K," Daniel answered.

"Okay?" Michael answered. "Why would you choose him then?"

"Because The Assassin has already made two attempts on Albert's life and if we don't do something he'll probably succeed the next time."

Stephanie stopped mid motion as she went to hand Steven a bag. "Wait, who's Albert?"

Daniel shuffled again. "Um, Winkler's X head of security." Daniel paused. "He's running for president against two others. The first other guy is a politician as normal and the people have had enough of that so his approval ratings are abysmal, his other opponent was way ahead until last week sometime someone exposed him on the StarNet for having ties to the Adolph migration so it look like he might actually win. But now someone's trying to kill him and they are using the assassin to do it."

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