I Love You Every Day

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I'm impatient so here's a Valentine's Day one shot early for y'all.
"Hey, Blaine?"

"Hm?" Said boy answered as he looked up from his homework to stare into his boyfriends blue eyes, smiling.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?"

The shorter boy thought, "No.. why? Is it something important?" He asked nervously.

Kurt sighed and shook his head sadly, "Nope. Not important."

Blaine furrowed his eyebrows and stood up from the desk, sitting next to Kurt on the bed, "You sure?" He asked softly as he took Kurt's hand, twining their fingers.

He looked at him, giving him a small smile, "Positive."

The gelled hair boy looked at him for a bit longer before pecking his lips and looking at the time, "My mom wants me home before 7 for dinner, I should probably get going."

Kurt frowned, "Awww, okay." He pouted.

He chuckled and kissed his pout, "I'll see you tomorrow at school." Kurt nodded and gave him a small kiss before Blaine stood up and gathered his things.

"Love you." Kurt said as he leaned against the doorway, watching Blaine get into the car.

"Love you too." He responded as he blew him a kiss and waved, getting in the car and driving off.

Kurt sighed as he shut the door and headed back to his room. He never thought Blaine would forget Valentine's Day, more specifically, their first Valentines as a couple. He shook of the sad feeling as he got out his secret stash of cookies and watched a movie.
"Kurt! Look at what Puck got me!!" Quinn exclaimed as she ran down the hallway, holding a jewelry box.

Kurt looked up from his textbook and smiled at the blonde, "What'd he get you?" He asked as he put his book away.

She opened the box revealing a necklace that had 'You're my Queen' engraved on it, "He gets me." She gushed as she stared at it, "It's so me!" Kurt nodded slowly as she put the necklace back in its box, "What did Blaine get you?"

Kurt froze a bit before playing with the lock on his locker, "He did get you something, right?" Quinn asked slowly, putting her hands on her hips.

He slowly shook his head, "He must've forgotten." He mumbled, "He's been busy lately." He shrugged.

Quinn shook her head, "Thats not acceptable, Kurt." She said angrily.

"It's fine, Q. Honestly, I'll live. Now I need to get home." He said as he gave a wave and headed down the hall.

She stayed at the locker, tapping her foot as Blaine came down the hall, "Blaine Anderson, you're dead!" She said loudly to him, ignoring the looks from fellow students.

He looked at her like she was nuts, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't act all innocent. You didn't get Kurt anything for Valentines and now he's sad." She huffed as she rolled her eyes, "You better fix this or you will regret ever meeting me. Kurt is my best friend and I've never seen him so in love, he's had enough sadness to last him a while."

"I never wanted to make him sad-" he started but she interrupted, "Fix it." She said in a menacing tone before flipping her hair and going in the opposite direction of where Blaine came from.

Blaine stood there and then remembered what day it was, his eyes went wide as he turned and ran to his car to drive to Kurt's and explain.
When Kurt opened his front door he was not expecting to be attacked by a bunch of kisses being peppered on his face, not that he was complaining, he knew it was Blaine so he let him do it for a couple of seconds before stepping back, "What was that about?" He asked with a giggle, wiping some of the wet kisses of his cheeks.

"You know I never, ever want to make you sad, right?" He asked, his eyes sincere. Kurt nodded, "I love you so much and I'm sorry I forgot the most romantic holiday of the year." He told him as Kurt took his hand and led him to the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Blaine.. it's okay." He reassured quietly, squeezing his hand.

"No it's not." Blaine said, "It's just, I'm not that big of a fan of the holiday and I never really heard you talking about so I assumed you felt the same. Next time I won't assume."

Kurt chucked softly, "Why don't you like it?"

Blaine shifted a bit and moved Kurt so the taller boy was in his lap, "Well, I just hate the fact that everyone makes it there mission to show their love for someone on that one day. I mean, shouldn't that be your mission everyday?"

Kurt nodded slowly, "I guess that's true."

Blaine smiled, "Well since I don't want your best friend to kill me, I got you something small." He said as he reached over the side of the couch and pulled out what looked like a rose from his bag.

Kurt took it and realized it was fake, "It's beautiful." He said with a grin, leaning up to peck his lips.

"I'm glad you think that but that's not the significance of it." He said which earned him a furrow of the eyebrows from Kurt, "Call it a 'promise rose' if you must."

"Promise rose? Sounds fascinating, but what exactly are you promising?"

He stared into Kurt's eyes, an action he finds himself doing a lot, and breathed, "I'm promising to love you, care for you, and be there for you until this rose dies." He said as he pointed to it.

Kurt giggled again, "But Blaine, the rose is fake. It'll never die."

"Just like my love for you."

Kurt gave Blaine the most loving expression he could muster before leaning up to capture Blaine's lips with his own, putting both hands on his cheeks, Blaine immediately kissing back.

They kissed for what felt like an eternity before Kurt pulled away, "Your gift is upstairs." He said quietly and breathlessly.

"It can wait." Blaine responded in the same manner, "I love you so much."

Kurt's grin never left his lips, "I love you too, just as much."

It was safe to say that this was a very good Valentines Day.

Wowie, that came out way longer then expected. I've never written a one shot so quickly, yippie for me.

I hope you liked it though! I know the transitioning is kind of weird so sorry.

I also hope you have an amazing Valentines Day whether you have someone or not (I don't lol)

Comment and vote, please.


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