Chapter Four

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I wake up at five in the morning. I sigh and hit my alarm clock, groaning that I have school this morning. I don't want to go to school. I sigh once more, dragging myself off the bed and getting my cloths. When I actually find cloths that match I head towards the shower and turn on the cold water. I don't know why but cold water wakes me up more in the morning than hot water. 

When I finish taking a shower I get out and put on my black skinny jeans, blue v-neck shirt and my old torn up converses. I put on a little bit of my eyeliner and kind of smile at myself. I decide to go downstairs and make me some tea. After getting settled in the kitchen and almost finish drinking my tea I notice that it's 06:32. Hah, usually I would be rushing out the door but the bus doesn't come till 07:25. "You know, it's not really healthy to just drink tea all the time. You need food too."

Hearing Brendon whisper so close to my ear nearly made me fall off my seat. "I-I'm just not hungry," I turn around and see him with his eye brow arched up. "What?"

"Nothing. I just think you're really cute," I start to blush when he leans down and kisses my cheek. 

It's close to 07:25 so me and Brendon head out side and wait at the bus stop. The bus arrives and my heart starts pumping faster. My hands are getting sweaty. I walk on the bus and rush to the very back and put my headphones in. As we start leaving home I lean my head against the window, closing my eyes and just listening to my music. 

On the way to school I was actually kind of happy that no one talked to me.

But as soon as I walked inside the school itself I could feel everyones eyes look at me. I follow Brendon into our holding area. Freshmans are supposed to go to the auditorium. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors either hang outside, in the hallways or in the gym. 

I sit down with Brendon and his group of friends. They all seem like nice people. 

"Ay, Ryan is it? How come you don't talk much?" Some guy blurts out at me. I stutter out a few words but not much. 

"Pete, calm down. It's his first day, he's probably just nervous," Brendon says to him. I just nod and look down a bit, fumbling with my fingers. Pete comes over and sits by me. I bite the inside of my lip and notice my hands are starting to shake. Pete wraps his hands around mine and whispers, "Hey, calm down a bit and you'll be fine. I didn't mean to sound intimidating. I'm sorry." 

I take a few breaths to myself and calm down a bit. "T-Thanks," I try to say in a normal voice but clearly end up failing. He just laughs a bit and I could practically feel my cheeks heating up.

"My names Pete. Pete Wentz," he says extending a hand out. I just smile barely and shake it. Brendon introduces me to the other guys. The one with glasses and that is kind of short is Patrick Stump. I smile trying to make it look real. The 08:00 bell to get to class rings.

"Ryan Ross, please come to the front office," someone on the intercom announces. I sigh and head there. When I get there I'm greeted by and old lady with the name tag saying that she's the assistant principal. "Hello Mr. Ross, I just wanted to welcome you to Belleville High and to give you your schedule. Have a nice day."

I could tell by the tone of her voice and that fake smile of hers that she wasn't so fond of me. That, or she's done this a thousand times to other new students. I gave her the same smile back and went to my first class; art with Mr. Gee. As I put my stuff into my locker I headed to room 203B. I enter the class and I can feel everyone stare at me. I close the door and get so nervous that I end up tripping and dropping my stuff everywhere. Everyone starts laughing as I gather my stuff. I quickly gather my stuff and head to the back off the room, avoiding eye contact from everyone.

The teacher clears his throat, causing everyone to pay attention. "Mr. Ross, please visit me after class," everyone in the class started whispering stuff to each other like Hey isn't that kid a fag or Is his last name really Ross? Hah, that's pathetic. 

"That's enough! I won't tolerate this in my class. Everyone, shut up and pay attention," Mr. Gee said. I sighed silently and started writing down notes from the board onto my journal.

The bell rang to go to 3rd period. Once everyone left I walked to the teachers desk and asked, "Y-You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes. Why were you late to class?"

I looked at him. He has red hair, which is kind of unusual for  an art teacher to have. "Um, well.. I-I went to the office and got my, um.. schedule..." I looked down, fumbling with my fingers. God I hate this habit.

"Ok, well, don't let it happen again."

"Y-Yes sir."

I started to head out but Mr. Gee stopped me, "Oh and Ryan? Your last name isn't pathetic. Don't listen to any bullshit anyone tells you and keep your head up."

I smiled, a real one now, and left. He's the only teacher out of all my schools that has ever said something like that to me.

When 3rd period ended I decided to go to lunch instead of skipping it. I got to my locker and someone familiar stood in front of it. 

"Hey Ross, remember me?"

I just stared at him in confusion not knowing what to do. "I haven't seen you since the 5th grade. Well, this is gonna be a fun year," he smiled a devilish smile and started punching me. Oh god is this really him? Chance? 

After a few minutes of him punching me he finally stopped and spat on me saying, "I'll be back for you tomorrow, faggot." 

I could feel the tears wanting to spill out but I just held them in and ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a black eye and busted lip. My nose was bleeding but it wasn't too bad. I cleaned myself up but that didn't really help.

I sighed and started to walk to lunch. I opened up the doors and found my cousin with his friends. I walked quickly and sat by them trying not to cause too much attention. 

"And then I said, what's it to you. All you'll ever be is a-- Whoa, Ryan are you ok?" Pete asked looking at me. I just nodded and looked down. 

"No you're not. What happened to your face?" Brendon looked at me with concern written all over his face.

"I, uh, fell down and busted my lip," I said quietly.

Brendon raised an eyebrow not believing my story, "Ok, well, what happened to your eye then? It almost looks like someone punched you."

I sighed and nodded looking away. Brendon gave me hug as I flinched at the pain on my side, "Who did this to you?"

"C-Chance. He said he would be back tomorrow..."

"I'll beat his fucking ass for you Ryan if you want me too," Pete said as he sat beside me. I just smiled a bit and nodded. "Haha, that's what I thought you would do. Ryan, if you ever need anything just come to me or Brendon. We'll always be here for you." he said with a smile. 


Ok so I'm thinking about changing the title of this story. I already have something planned in the future that's going to happen to him and the title for this probably won't fit for the ending. Anyways, please leave a vote and comment on what you would like to see in the future of this story and I'll be happy to include it. <3

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