Metang (part 2)

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So after we met Mr. Briney, we have arrived at our destination. Which is Dewford Town. Wow, I really love this place, the air is good. So as we arrive, we went to the Pokemon Center and healed our Pokemons.

"Hey, Yone" May called out to me.

"Yeah?" I said.

"If you know Mr. Stone then you would know his son then?" May asked.

"Oh, yes, I do know him" I replied.

May widened her eyes then jumped infront of me clasping my hands together with her's and her eyes beaming.


"Eh? You've met Steven?" I asked.

"Well, no, but he is famous cuz' he is the heir of a rich man" May replied.

"Oh, I thought you actually have met him" I said.

As May was about to say something, the nurse called us to get our Pokemons. So we get our Pokemons and went out of the Center.

"Sooooo..... What first?" May asked.

"What, we have to do something before giving this letter to this special someone that Uncle Stone was talking about?" I asked back.

"Well, there is a Gym here so maybe I thought you can battle the Gym Leader" May said.

"WHAT?! THERE'S A GYM?!" I said out loud while thinking, 'Darn it, I almost forgot that there is a Gym'

"Yeah, the Gym Leader's name is Brawly, he uses fighting type Pokemon" May explains while we are both walking towards the Gym.

"So he specialized in fighting types huh..." I said. I could use Tailow then. If he has a Machop then maybe I could also use Lotad.

As we were about to go inside the Gym, a boy with white hair... no, actually white hat went out of the Gym.

"Oh, hey there, Brendan!" Greeted May.

The boy looked at May.

"Oh, hey, May, and... Oh, hey, Yone!" Brendan greeted both me and May.

"Well, if it isn't Brendan Birch..." I trailed off, "Wait, you two know each other?!" I said.

"Yeah, I met Brendan before I left Littleroot" May said.

"Yeah, and what brings you here, May? Are you going to challenge Brawly?" Brendan asked.

"Nope, but Yone here will battle him" May answered.

"Wow, sweet! But I just defeated him" Brendan said as he laughed nervously.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Both May and I exclaimed.

"Yeah" Brendan said confidently.

And as if on cue, Brawly went out of the Gym.

"Oh, hey there, Brendan! Meeting some friends?" He asked to Brendan

"Yeah" Brendan said as he introduces Brawly to us.

"Ah, nice to meet you all" Brawly said kindly, "I'm afraid I've got no time to talk so I will go to the Pokemon Center then? I'm just gonna heal my Pokemon" He said in a hurry.

Then he went to the Pokemon Center leaving the three of us.

"So, I will go to Slateport then, I'll see you guys around" Brendan said as he went off.

"Bye, Brendan!" I said. Then I widened my eyes.

"Brendan, hold up-" I called out to him but he didn't look back.

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