Mega Metagross

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Welcome back to the story. I hope you guys really enjoyed reading the story and thank you for reading until this far. I will tell you what I have benn doing so far;

May and I chased after Team Aqua. But we stopped in Mossdeep City for me to battle Tate and Liza. Team Aqua can wait for awhile, I'll make the Gym Battle quick. So I did battle Tate and Liza and won the badge. As we went out of the Gym, we saw Steven. He looked like he is waiting for us and asked us to follow him, and we saw Team Magma, we discreetly followed them to the Space Center and stopped them from infiltrating the Space Center. After that, we went to Steven's house and obtained the HM Dive. So we went back to chase after team Aqua, and then we dived underwater to find their ship and yes, we saw it, so we went to the surface. It looks like a underwater cave. So we went in and yep, there are Team Aqua grunts. So we battled all of them even the admin. Then after we battled them, we met Archie. So I battled him. At the end of the battle, we thought that it was over, but, Archie successfully reawakened Kyogre. Then, after that, Archie received a call that says that it is raining heavily. May and I deadpanned. So we followed Archie out of the cave and yes, it is raining heavily. Maxie is also there.

It is really raining hardly.

"YOU! YOU CAUSED THIS DIDN'T YOU?!" Maxie shouted among the hard rain.

"I JUST REAWAKENED KYOGRE, THAT'S IT!" Archie shouted back.

"This is awful!" May exclaimed with widened eyes.

'This is bad, we've got to stop this' I thought while clenching my hands and looking everywhere.

And not long after Archie and Maxie continued to argue, Steven came.

"Yone! May!" Exclaimed Steven as he came running towards us.

"Steven!" Both May and I exclaimed back.

"What happened?! How could this happened?!" Steven asked.

So I explained to him what happened. He widened his eyes and start to panic. So he told us the history of Hoenn and about the legendary Pokemons. We all widened our eyes about the story and start to think of what to do.

And then, Brendan came. Just like Steven, he asked what happened. So May decided to explain to him.

"No way, we've got to stop this, we have to because we can, there must be away!" Brendan said as he looked around the storm.

"Maybe, Sootopolis City might have answers" Steven said.

"Sootopolis?" May and Brendan asked.

"That is where Wallace is right?" I asked Steven as he nods.

"I want all of you guys to come to Sootopolis" Steven said as he sent out his Skarmory and ride on Skarmory to go to Sootopolis.

"Steven! Wait! Are you sure you're just gonna ride on Skarmory and fly to Sootopolis?" I asked full of concern.

"It's dangerous, Steven! A storm is pouring down!" Brendan said.

"Brendan is right, Steven, why don't you just surf just like us?" May asked.

Steven looked at us especially me.

"I'm okay guys, I'm strong, just like you guys. You don't need to worry about me" Steven said as he smiled at us, then he looked at me and frowned, "I am more worried especially about you, can you handle this? I mean, like, I know you're strong, but are you willingly gonna do this?" He asked me.

I smiled confidently.

"There is no word of 'impossible' in my dictionary for me, so, of course I can, the fate of Hoenn is in our hands!" I said as I kept the smile on my face.

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