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Hi! Welcome back to the story and to the last chapter of My Metagross! Sorry for not updating in a while ^^

Warning : It will be a sad ending

It is a nice day, everything returned back in peace here in Hoenn, no more disasters. I, Nanami Yonetani continued my life as a trainer after beating the Champion which happened to be Steven Stone. And now, since Steven and I got much free times, we started to date. Yep, it happens in the Pokemon League.

It has been three weeks since all of that. Now, back to the present.

I'm in the Pokemon Contest Hall with Brendan watching May performing. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about them. May became a Coordinator and Brendan became Prof. Birch's Assistant at his lab.

"And the winner of the first place is, MAY SAPPHIRE FROM LITTLEROOT!" The judge exclaimed and the crowd goes wild in excitement. Then, May receives the award and medal. And the contest is dismissed.

Brendan and I waited for May outside of the contest building until May came running towards us.

"Hey guys!" May said as she hugged me and kissed Brendan's cheek.

Yep, one more information; May and Brendan are dating too. Yippeee, Franticshipping. Why do I call it "Franticshipping"? Because the argue a lot in their relationship. Haha.

"You did a great job before, May!" I said to her.

"Thanks! I'm glad you guys came to see me performing!" May said happily, "When will you be performing, Yone?"

"Ehhh, I seriously don't know, I don't think I'm ready yet. I've still got things to do" I replied while scratching the back of my neck.

"So, where will we go next?" Asked Brendan.

"What about we hangout in Lilycove Mall?" May asked with eyes full of happiness.

"Sure, what about you Yone?" Brendan said.

"Umm, it's really nice for your offer, but I promise to meet with Steven after your contest" I said to May and Brendan.

"Ah, a date I guess?" Brendan asked as he and May smirked.

"Y-yeah, or s-so it seems" I stuttered while I blush.

"Alright, if you have a date then we'll have our own too!" May said as Brendan beemed.

"Yeah, sure, that could be great!" Brendan said.

"Ah, okay then, sorry to disapoint you guys!" I said apologetically.

"Nah, its okay" May said as she wink.

So then, May and Brendan went to Lilycove Department while I call out to Swellow to head to Rustboro.

As I arrived at Rustboro, I head to Rustboro's best sushi Restaurant and went inside.

"Umm, any reservations from Steven Stone?" I asked the waitress.

"Ah, yes! There is! The Steven Stone himself has already arrived, he looked like he is waiting for someone" The waitress answered happily.

"Yep, it is I that he is waiting for" I said as I nodded and blushed a little bit.

"Oh, you must be his girlfriend then! Follow me, I will lead you to the reservation place!" The waitress said as I followed her to a small room, in the middle of the room, there is a table and a chair for both me and Steven and I saw Steven inside too.

"Enjoy your date!" The waitress said to me kindly as she walked out of the room leaving us two.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late" I said as I make my way to my seat in front of him.

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