Chapter 4

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Allison's POV

I woke up with a massive headache, I didn't even remember going to bed.. I walked down stairs for some water and noticed that my brother wasn't up yet. I took some aspirine and sat down on the couch. That ugly barbiedoll hit me hard in my stomache and my head hurts. Which means I probably have a blue eye.

'How are you feeling Alli?' The peaceful silence got interrupted by my brother. He sat down next to me and rubbed my back.

'I'm fine, just a little headache.' I said as Iaid my head on his shoulder. Toby ws a really sweet, caring person. His future girlfriend should be lucky to have him. 'Let me see you face."

He grabbed my chin and looked at my face.

'Is it bad? I'm afraid to look in the mirror.' I asked and I felt tears coming up, not sure why.

'It's not that bad actually. And why are you crying lil sis?' He asked when he saw te tears in my eyes.

'I-i don't know.' I replied and let the tears stream down.  We sat there for a few moments. 

' I'm gonna take a shower. Be right back.' I say. I hugged him and thanked him. Then I walked upstairs to take a shower. When I was done, I got dressed. I didn't really care how I looked today. I felt miserable. I think Ashley does to.
              I walked over to the mirror, Toby was right, it wasn't that bad. Just a few scratches. But my headache was still there. I put a little mascara on and walk down stairs. Lily was there.
             'Hey babe, how are you? Let me see your face.' She said.

'I'm fine thank you. And my face isn't that bad. I bet ashley looks even worse then she already did.' I said. We burst out of laughter.

We decided to go outside. Luckily the bitch was no where to be found. The sun was shining so we decided to put our bikinis on and just tan.  I heard music. I wasn't sure where it came from, untill I recognized the voices. It was One Direction. I almost forgot they were our new neighbors. Kinda funny actually. When I was younger I always dreamt of meeting them. And now they live next door. 'is that?'

'Yea. Oh my god they're singing. Wanna go watch?' I smirked.

'Yea, let's go.' She said. I ran inside put on some sweatpants and a tanktop. I grabbed my flipflops and my sunglasses. Lily did too. We walked across the street to their house. We hid behind a tree. They were singing What Makes You Beautiful.

As we were dancing and singing along, I didn't notice the boys looking at us. Harry waved us over. We walked toward them and sat on the porch. They were still singing. Their voices are so beautiful. That's when Zayn started to sing. He stared into my eyes. I just smiled and blushed. He blushed too. They finished singing. Me and Lily applaused.

'That was beautiful.' I said. Harry sat down next to me, I started playing with his curls.

'What are you doing?' He frowned. 'I'm playing with your curls, cause they're adorable.' I said. We all laughed.

We were talking for what felt like hours. I remembered Lily had to go grocery shopping. 'So Lily, I think we should go. Your Mom wants her grocery.' I said.
        'Oh.. Yeah I almost forgot. We have to go guys. See you later!' We both waved, as we walked off. 'Bye!' Liam yelled back.

*Half an hour later* 

I came back home, Ihad such a laugh with Lily, and the boys of course. I went straight upstairs. I did my homework and when I was done I checked my twitter. Then i turned on the tv. I almost fell a sleep when someone knocked on my bedroom door. 

Zayn's POV. 

'ASK HER OUT ALREADY!' Louis screamed.

'No i can't.'  

'Why not? Tell me brother.' He patted my shoulder.

' Just because.' I said.

'That's not a reason. Just go and ask her out, I bet she wants to go with you.' He said. He was right. I liked the girl, so I had to ask her out. But I was scared. God damn it.

'ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. Fine i'll ask her out.'  I said.  We only knew each other for like 2 days, but that's why I should get to know her better right?. I quickly got changed. 

" Whaddup?" I asked. 'Good luck.' Harry squealed/

 'Thanks mate.' I replied and walked out of the door.
              When I rang her doorbell Toby opened the door. 'Hi mate. How are you?'

'Hi, I'm fine tank you. Is.. is Alli home?' I asked.

'Yeah, of course. He is upstairs. Her room is the second door on your left. I don't know if she's sleeping though.' He said, and sat down on the couch.
              'Alright. I'll just go check on her.' I said.

'Wait.. Why are you here?.'

'I-I.. I wanna ask Alli out.. On a date.' I stuttered.

'Oh, alright then.' He said smiling. Thank god.

I ran upstairs. I was excited, but nervous too. What if she says no?.

I searched for her bedroom door. Her name was written on it. I knocked on the door. 'Wait a second!' .

She wasn't sleeping.

'Come in.' She said, and I opened the door slowly.

'Hi.' I almost whispered.

'Oh hey Zayn whatsup?'        SHIT

'Uh.. Uhhh. I.. wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.. With me?" I stuttered. She looked confused. Then she smiled. 'Yeah..  I'd love to.'

II knew you would say n-. Wait whut?'

'I said yes, I'd love to." She chuckled and frowned.

I felt my blood rushing through my veins. She said yes, which was pretty obvious actually. Who wouldn't want to go on a date with Zayn Malik? 
               I nodded and wanted to jump around but I held still. 'Okay. Great.. That's.. That's good. See you tomorrow?'

'Of course. But, I have school first. Maybe you can pick me up? Or I'll see you after school?'

I nodded. 'Okay. See you tomorrow then. I should probably go.'

I literally ran onto the street.

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