Chapter 21 x

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I mixed up my story a bit. While Alli and Zayn have a great time, Harry is enjoying himself too. Hehe


New girl's POV

I parked my car and walked inside this bar. There were like NO people. You know in a movie, when it's really quiet when there comes tumble weed flying over the ground? Yeah, it was a great time for the tumble weed to come, but this wasn't a dessert. It was a big city. With no people. Weird ey?

"What up dude?" I said to a guy who was sleeping on his table. I slapped him on his back but he immediately stood up. " What are you doing?" He asked very threatening. "Sorry" I said laughing. I sat down on a barstool and I ordered a drink. I heard someone laughing in the corner of the bar, I recognised him. He was looking very sad. And drunk. I walked over to him and he looked up at me. "Wow. Hi." He said. Wait whut? That's Harry Styles, from that hot boyband. I wasn't really a fan, but people around me were talking about it a lot so yeah.. " Wait you're Harry Styles." I said laughing and I sat down next to him. " From One Direction yeah I am. Who are you?" He said holding up his hand. " I'm Noella. How are you doing?" I shook his hand. We started a conversation. I looked at my watch and stood up. "Sorry Harry, you're really nice but I have to leave." I said. " Wait, I'm leaving too." He stood up also. He wasn't that drunk luckily. We walked over to my car and he wrote down his number on my hand. "Here you go. Maybe we could hang around sometimes. Do you live around here?." I nodded. " Yeah, just moved in in this little apartment a couple of blocks further." I said pointing in a direction. " Okay, so I'll see you soon right?" He asked and I nodded. Then he left. I sat down in my car and drove away.

Harry's POV

I was so excited for this day. Look I met this girl at a bar, were i went when Ashley broke up with me officially. This girl was called Noella and she was really cute. I think she doesn't really know she's beautiful (see what I did there)

Okay so today is the day were actually going on a date. We hung out a couple times but that weren't really dates. Anyway, I hate to be single. Okay ya'll think different right now cause you all hear different stories about me being a man whore. But I like to have a girlfriend too. Not that..that I like Noella... Oh fuck it I do like her like that.

So today I'm taking her to dinner. I arranged something for oz. She'll be surprised. I smiled to myself. " What are you smiling at?" Liam walked in my room. " I have a date." I smiled. " Oh really? Who is it? Did you and Ashley make it up?" " No dumbass, I met some girl. Remember that day I came home drunk? Since then I hung out with her." " Oh.. That's why you were away a lot.. Good luck with your date mate." He patted my shoulder. "Thanks man." I laughed. He probably didn't expect me to go on a date but whatever. I dressed myself. I looked like a real gentleman. I didn't do anything to my curly hair. Oh wait.. I never do that. I walked down stairs. The lads were staring at me. " Wha?" I said. " Why do you dress like that?" Louis asked. " Coz I have a date." " Oh.. Well good luck my friend." I patted the top of his head. " Thanks bro." I gabbed my car keys and left.

Noella's POV

"Okay bye, see you tonight" I said, and hung up the phone. Harry asked me on a date, he was so cute. He's is my only friend here and I feel comfortable when I'm around him. We hung out sometimes but that weren't really dates. He told me a bit about his life, and I told him about mine. I walked to my closet and opened it.

" What should I wear? What should I wear? Wait I'm singing to myself" I sang. Haha. I pulled out a purple dress and black heels. I took a shower and dressed up. I didn't really wore make up, but I did on special occasions. So I put on some make up and curled my blonde hair. I grabbed my phone and my purse and sat down on the couch. ( That's the only thing I had, cause I just moved in). I got a text, it was from Harold.

H- hi babe, I'm down stairs xx Harry.

Awh he called me babe. I felt butterflies in my tummy and smiled. I walked down stairs and smiled when I saw him. I think his jaw dropped when he saw me, kinda funny cause I'm not pretty at all. I hugged him and said hi. He hired a limousine, I've always wanted to sit in a limousine. " You look very VERY pretty." He smiled and kissed my hand. " Thank you sir, you don't look bad yourself. Where are we going?" I asked. "No comment." "Oh please?." I asked giving him a puppy dog look. " Nope." He said popping the p. We talked a little more when the car stopped. We were at a nice restaurant with no people. " You might think this is weird." He looked at me. I nodded " yea there are no people." I said confused. " The day we met there were no people in that bar so I thought maybe I could arrange the same right now. No people, no crazy fans. Just the two of oz." He said. I smiled like an idiot. We sat down in our chairs and we ordered our food. " So do you like it?." He asked. " Yea this is amazing Harry, thank you." " No, I mean.. Living here in london. Do you like it?" He laughed. " Ooh." I laughed. " Of course I love it here, you live here Haz." I blushed. Omg I need to stop blushing. My head is truning red cause of all the blushing. If it stays red, my life will be over. Anyway, we talked more and more and more. Till it got late, it Was almost dark. We stood up and he payed the bill. We walked hand-in-hand to the car. " Thank you so much for this date harry, I had so much fun." I gave him a kiss on his cheek. And his dimples turned red. So adorable. " Oh but it isn't over yet. I have a surprise for you." He said when the car stopped. He gave me a blindfold. " What is this for?" " You'll see." I stepped out of the car and felt a soft floor. " Pull off your shoes. You can't walk here with heels." I did what he said and threw them in the car. We were walking on the sand. Eventually we stopped walking and we sat down. " You can pull off the blindfold now." I pulled it off and opened my eyes. " Oh my gosh that's beautiful." I said while looking at the horizon. " Just like you." He said and I looked at himm he looked at the horizon so I did the same. When it was all dark I looked back at him and saw those beautiful green eyes. " You're so romantic Harry" I leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek but he turned his head so his lips touched mine. It was an amazing kiss. I kissed Harry Styles. Bitches gon be jealous.

Harry's POV

I had to make a move coz I like her. So we were sitting on the beach watching the sunset, and she was ready to kiss my cheek. But I turned mu head so she kissed my lips. But she didn't pull away. YEAH. We kissed long and passionate when she broke the kiss to catch her breath. I lied down on my back to see the stars. She did the same and snuggled up to my chest. We didn't say anything for a long time but it wasn't awkward. We were just enjoying each others company. I missed this. Just lay down with my girlfriend... Wait she isn't my girlfriend yet..

Noella's POV

We lied down to watch the stars. It was so romantic. I missed this. Laying down with my boyfriend... Wait he isn't my boyfriend yet.. But I'm not gonna ask him. He has to ask me. I almost fell asleep on his chest when he suddenly stood up. " I eh.. I think I have to go.. The lads are probably worried." "That's okay." I said, but I wanted to stay longer. He brought me home. We kissed long on the doorstep. " You wanna be my girlfriend..?" He asked REALLY insecure. I know it's fast but he makes me so happy everytime I hang out with him. " I'd love to." I kissed him on the lips. After a few minutes I broke the kiss. " I think you should go, other wise the lads will get worried." I laughed. " You're right.." He kissed my cheek and walked away. " I'll text you babe." He yelled and jumped in the car. I felt the butterflies again, I haven't felt them in a long LONG time!.




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