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Slowly we kept walking out of the motel.  Making sure we kept quiet not attract any walkers.After we left out of the motel we were in a alley  way. Slowly we krept through the wet and muddy alley way until  we heard the faint sounds humming.  We looked at each other wondering what it was. Zeke and Sam looked especially scared at the sounds.  Me and Linda were confused.


"Not again". Sam said Slowly. "What?"  Said Linda.  "Toxic Girl " "Who " I said at a complete hault. "Toxic Girl  is different from most zombies she is faster and stronger and can spit acid and climb on walls. Zeke explained.

Slowly we keep around the corner of a building showing a narrow walk way to the streets.  In through middle sat a little girl. 

"It's her ". She said. "She is attracked by the sent of blood." Said Zeke. "Oh no " I said in fear.

Everyone looked back at me and realized my terror.  My dad dead body fell on me blood leaked on my hands. I looked at her as she slowly turned around.  Her hair was grey and her skin was a pale blue green.  Slowly she growled at me as she lifted from of the ground,  she licked her lips in delight she slowly realized that she has found her next prey, me.

Quickly she takes of on to a wall gripping it.  Her head turned as she spit acid at me.I leaped out the way and pulled the shotgun out.  I shot a round and she fell of the wall.  I was beginning to think that was it but, that's when she jumped to her feet and latched to my arm. "Get her off me "! I screamed.  Zeke ran up to her and pushed her off of me.  "Shoot "! Everyone realesed shots onto the girl. Her body soon was consumed with red blood and she was knocked of her feet by the force of my shot gun.

"poor girl " I said as her lifeless body just lay there. 

After that episode we made it out to the steets, Cars was flipped over , and building were crumbled.

"Oh my god". Linda said in dis belief.  "It's worst than i ever thought". I said. "we cant think about that now". Zeke said holding my shoulder. "All we can think about is getting to the school."

With that being said we moved out down the street.

"Hey!" "Watch out" Linda screamed.

A long skinny zombie with sharp sword like hands , he had a lond head with long eyes on the side of his head. The blood dripped down his swords like rain drops.

After that came three more they moved swiftly.

"Is that another speicial!" Sam screamed. "Kill them!" I said.

I shot at the beast and the all scattered. They were a blur leaving a strong wind behind them.

"The shotgun is to slow"! Zeke scremed. "But my pistol is weak and im low on ammo." I said.

(Zeke POV)

I looked around my surrondings, nothing was there but, sattered cars, and a oil truck, and two mettle poles,  that is when the idea popped into  my head. I ran to the oil tuck and twited the fuacet which allowed the oil to spill out the truck.

"Linda, Sam get the zombies to this side."! I scremed. "When they do Hannah get those two mettle poles and strike them."

Linda and Sam began to shoot at the speicials, This caught there attention and began to anger them.  Linda and Sam dashed away making sure to jump over the oil puddle. I waited squinting my eyes to make sure that my plan will go perfect.

When the beast was at the right spot I sounded Hannah.

"Now Hannah, Now! "

(Hannah's POV )

"Now Hannah, Now ". Zeke screamed while running towards me.

I clashed the two mettle spears together creating a spark. That ignited a fire on the oil which caused follows to the back of the trick causing it to blow up killing the spiecials and seperating Sam and Linda from Zeke  and I.

"How are we supposed to get past " Linda screamed. "Just meet us at the main sewer. "  Zeke screamed.  "Okay good luck Hannah girl. "

And with that we set out to the school

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