Underground Lab

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(Zeke's POV)

After Hannah and linda walked away, Sam and I traveled down to the basement.

The basement appered to be some type old time chamber, it was dirty, smelled of musk, and was wet and damp.

"Sam you go and search around im going to look for more clues". I saids to him.

"Okay boss". He replied back.

Slowly I travled through the basement until i reached a wooden door.

iI tried to push the door but it would not budge, so next I gave a great kick to the door causing it to break of the lock and open.

The room was lit by a single lantern and there was only a chair and a desk in there with pages scattered.

I began to read it and then i quickly relized.

This was a copy of the diary in the school schneider must have had someone decode it and copy it on paper to read the rest.

But why would he just leave like that, he must have been in a hurry.

Chances are that someone reported him to the police and he left to Hell's Playground to escape.

The rest of the diary said...

Day 8 continued: Hell's Playground is an Island where a cult used to operate to find ways of world domination.

Day 9: He has taken me to hells playground and now i am a prisoner here.

Day 10: He is going to experiment with me change me turn me into one of them.

Day 11: He has been creating monsters and letting them loose in the city.

Day 12: I only have three more days until im experimanted on, Schneider asked me about something called the day of Darkeness. He began to go into detail  The Day of Darkness is when he will destroy the main land city and is going to rebuild the city it will be called Crisis City and will be a part of hells playground.

Day 13: Two more days and know i heard him talking about a new born baby named Alexa she is the decendent of the cults founder. She is living evidence inside the cults location and only person with her blood can unlock more seacrets about the infection and the cults. 

Day 14: Schneider wants Alexa he needs her beacuse without her he has no way into the cults seacrets.

Day 15: I have acepted the fact that im going to die, i just hope that now im going to die with helping somone today is the day that I die. Whover reads this promise me you wont let him get get Alexa you will stop him from unlovking the seacrets to world domination and you will find a cure and will stop the monsters. (The end)

After I read the letter I found a skull with red jewls for eyes, it stood out to me for somereason so i tried to grab it but, its head flipped back showing a red button, i pressed it causing the wall to open showing a high tech elavator.


"Yeah !" He scremed back.

"Go get the others!"

Once Hannah and Linda  arrivedwith a little girl i told them about the rest of the plans and Hannah told me about her run in with the agent and Alexa.

"So i suggest we go into the elavator and see where it takes us". Sam said.

"If it takes us to a place infested with zombies then what are we going to do." Linda said.

"I would feed them to you bitch". He said angrily.

"Listen here im not them other type of girls your used to talking to now i have a pistol and two strikes do you want to get me to three." She said while pointing the gun at him.

"Hey!" Hannah screamed.

"Can we all just get inside the elavator ?" I said angrily.

We all got inside the elavator.

Quickly we where shot down.

The elavator door opened and revealed a hall way.

"Lets go." I said.

We walked down the hall way until we reached the end of the hall way.

It was a door that said  " Lab B".

I grabbed the handle and twisted it.

With the click we hear Hannah scream.

I tuurned around to see a trap door open under her, thats when her and and Alexa dissapeared.

"Hannah." Linda screamed.

I jumped for her but the door closed back.

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