ミbattling depression & anxiety

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some ways that will hopefully help you cope and deal with your depression and anxiety when you have both at the same time.

so first off, i'm going to kind of define depression and anxiety (in the ways they personally affect me because i obviously can't speak for everyone) and then what they do mixed together in ways that may help you with them.

having depression is like never being motivated and always wanting to just stay in bed all day and be alone. you never want to go anywhere or do anything, and nothing you used to like or your relationships with others don't seem to be important now.

having anxiety is always feeling this constant dread of something going wrong, or paranoia, or this burning in your chest that causes your heart to race, and hands to shake, and voice to stutter and break. it's a never ending voice in your head always saying "but what if-" that keeps making you second guess yourself and want to do nothing but stay quiet and by yourself.

having both is a very bad combination. your depression makes you not want to do anything, and your anxiety gives you reasons not to. it's hard to beat your depression and find motivation if your anxiety is constantly cutting in telling you not to and putting these awful scenarios of what could go wrong in your head.

little ways to help you deal with your depression and anxiety

make organized lists of how you want your day to go (ie: go to the grocery store, walk the dog, hang out with this person, take a nap, play video games, shower and sleep) it will just help to not back out from doing things if they're already pre-planned out.

for school work, write down all your homework due for the week and check them off as you do them, turn off your phone if possible, lock yourself in an enclosed space with nothing else to do and try your best to get it done without being distracted.

for anxiety & depression at school, i recommend keeping your own water bottle, extra supplies and things like that with you at all times so you don't need to raise your hand at all, maybe talk go your teachers if they're the kind to make you read out loud to the class and tell them you really can't do it and hopefully they'll understand.

try not to put yourself into bad positions, try to stay away from drugs, underage drinking, smoking, illegal things, and breaking rules your parents set on you if you can, it'll take off heavy worries that'll cause major anxiety and more depression.

try not to make a lot of deep secrets that can get you in trouble or hurt someone (nothing wrong with having fun and making secrets, but you don't need to extra weight on your shoulders of something big)

lastly, please talk to a doctor and get the medication you need to get better. you can self-recover from depression so if you very highly don't want to tell anyone about that that's okay, but at least ask for medication to help your anxiety and start trying to personally fight your depression. if you can't tell your parents because they won't care, tell your nurse or another trusted adult and hopefully
they'll convince your parents.

this was probably an awful list of advice because honestly, it's really hard to explain all of this and to get better from anxiety and depression so i'm very sorry i most likely wasn't that resourceful to you.

nevertheless, hoped this helped at all.

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