Chapter 2

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Sunday afternoon came faster than what I expected it. Luke said he'll be at 6 in my house. It was already 4:30 and we haven't speak at all since he left my house yesterday. Not that I want a goodmorning text from him or some shit like that, just some confirmation that he was really coming. A confirmation that this was really happening.

I found myself wandering around my lonely house again. Only this time I was only wearing a rob and a towel in my hair. I had come out of the bathroom like half an hour ago and I felt like a mental breakdown was trying to make his way down time.

I didn't know what to wear.

I know it sounds really stupid. But I was freaking out about it. What do you wear to meet your fake-boyfriend's parents? Should I try to make a good impression? Should I not care? Luke did say yesterday "wear something nice" but I don't know what his concept of "nice" was. A deep cleavage and net tights?

My phone screen light up and the familiar tune I used for Lydia started echoing in the hall I was walking.

"Hiiiiiii" she greeted excitedly. I wasn't in the mood to share her exuberant happiness.

"Hi Lyds. How are you?" I asked while I checked my closet for fifth time.

"Awesome, thanks!" She announced. "Guess who I met the other day"

"Mmm" I pretended to think about it. "Maybe Luke Hemmings"

She gasped. "So it was true! Did he asked you out?"

"No, he just came to bother" I replied to her which wasn't exactly a lie. "Lydia, you know I hate him, why on earth would you help him to find me?" I asked trying to show her how annoyed I was.

"Oh, Eli, I'm so sorry. I wasn't going to tell him, but he looked so desperate and when I asked what he wanted with you he said he wanted to tell you something really important."

"That's not really a good reason" I said as I struggled to get my underwear on.

"Why not? He may have wanted to confess his dying love for you and I wouldn't be the one to interfere on that" she confessed and I knew her enough to know she was smirking.

"What the hell are you talking about Lydia?" I asked, hooking my bra and putting my robe back on. Lydia had a quite imaginative mind.

"I always thought that there was some sexual frustration between you too since freshman year" she told me.

"Lydia, he threw a frog at me once. I fucking frog. How can that be considered as sexual frustration?" I asked even more annoyed now. The memory floated back to my mind in that moment. We were in the same biology class and the teacher had paired us up, of course I was with Lydia, and Luke was a couple of tables behind me with some guy whose name I can't remember (Harry? Henry?). We ere supposed to dissect a frog but neither Lydia or I could bring ourselves to do it. Then the guy who was Luke's partner (Howard?) came to chat up Lydia and ended up doing the work for her. Apparently Luke hadn't been so keen of that so he yelled at us:

"If you're going to do her work they might as well do ours too"

And threw the frog at us and it landed on my face. Everyone in the class laughed. I remember that even the teacher was gigging behind my back.

I glared over at Luke and he just shrugged, his blue eyes stated at me through his googles and said. "Shouldn't you be tired of kissing frogs by now, saint Eli?"

And everyone laughed again. I knew he meant it by my ex-boyfriend Jason Smith who wasn't very attractive, also he was a bit of a freak I got to admit, and it was one of the many excuses Luke used to pick on me. I hated him so much.

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