Family Reunion (For About the 3rd Time)

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Laughter and joyous howling echoes around the trees that night. Fires burn bright, without wood, because of the Giratinas. Just to poke fun at Ignis, some of the Giratinas change the colors of the fire to random colors. Just at a passing glance, I see a bright green fire, one shaped like a swan with wings spread, and another with flickering white flames sprouting out of a blue dragon mouth.

    I smile as I weave amongst the people. Some dance, some laugh at jokes, some use their powers just to show off and have fun. I see Thor being thrown into the air by one of Caeli’s winds, and electricity arcs across the sky in a dazzling display of light. Imaginer, a small girl with long blonde-blue-green hair done in a braid, creates mystical soldiers, which run around the partying people. Her glaucous and palatinate blue pupils glow brightly in her brown-gold eyes as she creates the illusions.

    I see Karlee and Trevor laugh and joke around with Alexis and Ava. I see Yew, Athena, and Alexis talking near the edge of the clearing, away from the celebrating Irises, Legacies, Lupas, and Giratinas.

    Then, I feel a ripple pass across the clearing. As one, everyone turns towards the east, where two figures are outlined by the moonlight streaming down upon them. The figures walk forward, out of the beam of moonlight, and head towards the large groups.

    Anxiousness and fear run through my veins, and I make my way through the people to Karlee’s side. She, Trevor, Alexis, and Ava are all standing, watching the figures approach. “Carter, come with us. I believe I know who these people are, but I want you to help me make sure. Bring Truther as well.” I nod to Karlee, then turn to find the little girl with strange eyes. Suddenly, the little black-red-haired girl is next to me. She smiles at me, and grabs my hand as if I was about to lead her across the street.

    All of us walk forward, forcing the crowd of Irises and Giratinas to part before us like the Red Sea. The two figures stop a short distance away from the crowd, and wait for our approach.

    We stop before them, and I finally see the people’s faces.

    The woman is beautiful, with long hair done in a loose fishtail. Her bangs are the color of sunlight, and her hair darkens as it travels backwards, until it’s the color of the midnight sky. Her eyes are large and brown, with two pulsing aquamarine blue pupils. She carries herself like a woman used to being attacked, with her spine rigid and a hand on her hip, where I sense a loaded pistol lays.

    The man is handsome, I guess. Dark gray eyes, with blue-green and baby blue pupils. Wild brown hair falls into his eyes, which he keeps sweeping behind his ears, to no avail. His pale, lanky frame is built like a runner’s, with lean muscles all across his exposed arms.

    The woman looks at Karlee and Trevor with something close to love and fear. Her name and information flash through my mind, and the urge to kill that I hadn’t felt in a long time flashes through me. I look away from her, towards the man, and feel my urge rise faster. Traitors, my brain whispers. Murderers. Thiefs. Exiles. Kill them. Before they kill us all.

    I shake my head, and feel Karlee’s eyes on me, as well as the man and woman’s. My urge rises, pulsating and boiling, nearer and nearer to my head. I feel my hands twitch, my toes curl, my eyes spark with light. Suddenly, I feel a hand enter mine, and the urge evaporates like smoke.

    Glancing to my left, I see Ally’s green eyes. I nod towards her, and she smiles. I look back up at the pair of strangers, who’re watching me with pure fear in their eyes.

    “Why are you back?” Karlee asks abruptly, reminding me why we’re there. The woman’s eyes snap down to the ground, and the man tightens his arm around the woman’s waist. “We were brainwashed, Karlee. We had no idea what they were doing,” the man says, looking at the ground.

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