Creator of Tomorrow

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“Knox, position,” I say into the walkie-talkie. Alexis’s voice crackles over the speaker, saying,”North-west quadrant clear. Only one of those weird lizards with wings patrolling. It looks like a winged banana.”

    I laugh at Alexis’s description, then push the button again. “Chameleon, position.” Ava’s voice turns the static to life, saying,”North-east quadrant full of activity. People are bustling around everywhere, talking and writing notes. I haven’t seen them stop for the past half hour.”

    I make a note on my little notepad, which is already covered in notes, so it looks like spaghetti decided to try writing. Trevor is next to me, wings hunched close to his body but still out. Apparently, his feathers retained cold better than human skin. Don’t ask me why. I have no clue.

    Pushing the button again, I say,”Sunhigh, position.” Alexis’s voice comes through, saying,”These winged children are too energetic. They hardly leave the trees. I’m surprised they haven’t got caught in the net yet.” I look up, trying to see Alexis’s emerald eyes and raven hair in between the red wood and green leaves. Two glowing silver orbs meet my eyes, then vanish as Alexis releases her power to disappear back into the foliage.

    My watch ticks by on my arm. As a gift from Karlee for this specific purpose, the watch is light-weight and blends in with my arm. The minute hand, shaped like a feather, rests on some point between three and four, while the hour hand, shaped like a claw, rests on the nine.

    The walkie crackles to life, and Lila’s voice comes through. “Hunter, we have movement in the BC Sector.” I look at the complex of redwood buildings before me, eyes locking on the biggest building of all.

    At over four stories, BC Sector towers higher than my house, yet is masterfully concealed with leaves, branches, and artful paintings of branches. As the main lab, people in pale gray lab coats hurry out and in through the revolving glass doors constantly. I search for what Lila has seen, but see nothing out the ordinary.

    Her voice crackles over the speaker once more, saying,”Top floor. Left-most corner. Radi can see a man. A man that just appeared, not two seconds ago, out of thin air. He seems to be arguing with a woman that was already there.” I nod, and delve into my core to find my power. I imagine Radi’s, who can see through walls and other solid objects, cobalt and arctic pupils, and feel my power leak into my eyes.

    When I open my eyes, I can see everything in a strange blue hue. Walls glow a pale blue, while people glow indigo. I look towards the top floor of BC Sector, and see two dark blue figures standing in the left-most corner. Their hands are being thrown in the air, as if arguing.

    I click on my walkie, and say,”Echo, BC Sector. Top left corner. What are those people saying?” Echo, who can divert sound and repeat anything he ever heard, says,”Sure. Give me a sec.” Focusing on my pulsing power again, I imagine Echo’s peacock and denim blue pupils, and feel my ears ring. When I open my eyes again, I'm able to hear what the people are saying.

    A man’s voice reaches my ears, and the sharpness of it causes me to flinch. “We need more information than that! Get your head on straight, Emilia! Or else you’re going back to the Downland!” Anger rises in me as the man says my mother’s name. Emilia’s voice is tired and sad as she says,”Juxa, I can’t. There just isn’t enough money! We’ll run dry before the sun rises again if we continue like this!”

    I hear a smack, and see one of the indigo figures fall to the floor. My anger is now boiling, reaching further and further towards my head. I try to fight it, but the blue power surges even hotter when I hear Juxa say,”Work harder, filth. To the Downland with you. Maybe a bit more time with the hydras will change your mind.” Then, the sound of a kick touches my ears, and I feel my anger explode.

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