Chapter 7

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"I think that I...."

"Have to go the bathroom!" I quickly stood up. But yato brought me back down into the chair.

"Oh no you don't~" he smirked

"I-I'm scared okay!"

"Want me to go first?" I nodded "Okay fine, Y/n... When i first met you I thought you were just another regalia, but i soon realized that you were more. You have beautiful e/c eyes and gorgeous h/c hair. And you're funny and cool and smart and- i'm rambling but what i'm trying to say is... HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!" BAA BA BA BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BA BA BA AAAAAAAAAAAA


This wass just a joke if you couldn't tell but the first part is a sneak peek of the next chapter dont kill me! I'm working on it, have a splendid day! BAI~~

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