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There was an image showing in the sky across New York. The people below were all exiting their cars and homes wondering what was going on. Little did they know that they weren't the only people seeing this image. It was being shown all across the world. The image was of a throne room, where fourteen people sat upon thrones. Then a man in the middle -with salt and pepper hair, and electrifying blue eyes that could be seen clearly- began to speak.

"Hello mortals, my name is Zeus. I am the King of the Gods and Lord of the Skies. We are the Greek Gods and Goddesses that have ruled over this earth since the beginning. Hectate, the Goddess of Magic and the Mist has faded. The Mist was a magical veil that kept our world hidden from the mortal world for many millennia. Unfortunately, the Mist has faded with our Goddess. Therefore, the monsters that plague our world will be visible to, and may begin to attack, mortals. There are people on this earth who can protect you, they are the Demigods. They are the children of one of the Greek or Roman Gods and a mortal. They have spent most of their lives training the fight monsters. Unfortunately, they are still recovering from their most recent war, and can't always be there to fight monsters. For these reasons there will be monster defence classes taught at all schools. There will also be Greek History replacing your usual sciences. Please try to continue living normally." Then the image disappeared.

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