More New Thrones

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It was your average Saturday on mount Olympus. Couples hanging out, Reyna, Zoë, and Bianca chasing Ethan around the throne room, just for fun. But one thing was abnormal to all of the immortals on Olympus, Percy Jackson was thinking. He had been sitting on his throne for three whole hours with a look of extreme concentration on his face. "Hey Seaweed Brain."

"I don't know ask Thalia."

"Um ok. You seem distracted."

"Sure I guess."

"Is this what I'm like when I'm in deep thought?"

"K love you."


"Huh what, oh hey wise girl." All of the Olympians and new immortals ran in and and started fussing over Percy asking if he was feeling ok, and if he had a fever, and if he bumped his head. "Guys, seriously. Is this going to happen every time I think?"

"What do you think kelp head?"

"Whatever Thals. Anyway,since we're all here I might as well call a meeting." once everyone was in their thrones Percy continued. "So I've been thinking-"

"Oh no."

"Shut up. So I was thinking, what's the point of having you guys here if you're just going to sit around and do nothing for the rest of eternity? If the new council agrees, I would like to give some new titles." A chorus of sures and yeses we heard around the throne room. "Alright, another thing I realized, was that Dionysus hasn't been replaced, so, Chris, if you accept, you shall be the god of wine, madness, and truth."

"I would be honoured."

"Great. Now Zeus you are the god of Drama Queens. Poseidon god of sea creatures. Athena goddess of architecture. Apollo god of bad haikus. Aphrodite goddess of fangirls. Ares god of bad temper. Artemis goddess of woodland creatures. Hera goddess of cows. Demeter goddess of cereal. Hermes god of bad puns. Dionysus god of forgetting things. Hephaestus god of explosives. And Hades god of the afterlife. No arguing against your new titles, you get what you get, I don't care if you disagree. Goodbye." Then Percy flashed out the whole new council and brought them to his temple.

Percy POV

I brought my friends to my temple to discuss one more thing. "So guys, I feel like we should give Reyna, Selina, Rachel, Octavian, Beckendorf, Luke, Bianca, Zoë, and Ethan titles too." I said.

"Definitely," Thalia said, "I think they deserve it, but what titles do we give them?"

"Well, I was thinking, Reyna, goddess of strength, but like all strength not just physical, and leadership. Rachel, goddess of mortality and prophecy. Octavian, god of legacies and prophecy. Bianca, goddess of sacrifices and family. Selina, Goddess of eternal love. Beckendorf, god of machines and Greek fire. Luke, god of decisions and forgiveness. Zoë, goddess of dam snack bars," everyone glared at me, "I'm kidding, goddess of constellations and fierceness. And Ethan, god of trades and compromise." Everyone nodded in agreement. "All right, let's go back to the throne room."

Third person POV

When the new council flashed back in, everyone was still where they left them. "So," Percy said, "we have a few more titles to give today. May our Immortal friends please come forward. You are now going to be minor gods and goddesses. Reyna, goddess of strength, both physical, mental, and emotional, and leadership. Rachel, goddess of mortality and prophecy. Bianca, goddess of sacrifices and family. Zoë, goddess of constellations and fierceness. Selina, Goddess of eternal love. Beckendorf, god of machines and Greek fire. Octavian, god of legacies and prophecy. Ethan, god of trades and compromis. Luke, god of decisions and forgiveness."

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