Fuck cancer (Ned Fulmer)

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Hi guys!

It's me, DragonSpatium again. Hope you did miss me and that you will enjoy this one shot :) Thank you for all the reaaaaaaaaaaaaaads. I promise I will update more regularely now.

If you want to read more imagines about The Try Guys please check out trygirl98 's book! :)


You started fidgeting every time you thought of your husband. And since a couple of months ago it has been like that. To be honest, you always had butterflies in your stomach when you thought of him. Even though you got married two years ago the love between you two was still just as strong as on the day you two had met.

Nervously running your skinny hand through your pixie cut brown hair you bit your lip. You were just cooking dinner for you and your mister perfect - simple roasted chicken and a bit of mashed potatoes as a side dish. These two foods were now often on your menu since your stomach couldn't handle anything more. For a couple of months now you and Ned have been fighting about your meals since he always wanted you to cook something more but you had no energy for that.

Your fights developed more and more every day and sometimes a very sad thought of you two getting divorced ran through your mind. That was the main reason why you decided it was best for your marriage to tell him the truth.

"Jamie, dear, the food smells so nice," Suddenly a masculine voice ran through your ears. A smile spread on your face but a frown followed when you realised you didn't hear him coming inside your home.

"Good evening, dear," You turned around and pressed your lips to his. He smellt nice, like a mixture of cologne and a bit of sweat. 

"What are you cooking, honey bee?" He asked and leant towards the counter, an uncomfortable feeling immediately appearing in your stomach.

"Chicken and mashed potatoes... It's Thursday, we always eat them on Thursdays," You said and started chewing your bottom lip.

As soon as he found out about the dinner plans a frown washed over his face. You knew he was already tired of this kind of meals but didn't want this evening to develop into a fight. Not tonight. It was the day for Ned to know the truth.

"Jamie, we had that two days ago," Tears started forming in your eyes and your head started aching even more than it had before. "And even yesterday at out night out you ordered chicken with rice. And as much as I remember, you didn't even touch the rice," Ned's bright green eyes were slowly losing their shine and he suddenly stopped talking.

"Ned," You sighed and intertwined your fingers together. It was now or never.

"Jamie!" He suddenly exclaimed and grabbed your cheeks. His excitement was so uncomfortable to see specially cause you knew you were about to crash it in a couple of minutes. 

"What, Ned?" You quietly asked and placed your hands on top of his.

"Are you... Oh my god, I cannot believe it," He breathed out and smile with his white teeth. "Are you pregnant, Jamie?" He finally asked after a few seconds and giggled loudly.

Oh, no. 

These were the two words that ran through your head as he spoke out his question. Furrowing your brows you shook your head no and suddenly tears started running down your face, washing a bit of mascara off of it.

"Ned," You whispered in his chest as he wrapped his arms around you one more time and inhaled his smell. "I'm dying," You mumbled so quietly you weren't sure whether Ned heard you.

But his reaction confirmed he did.

For the first time in your relationship Ned stayed quiet in response for your words. Now you were the one, who quickly grabbed his cheeks and made his once bright eyes look at yours.

"Say something," You demanded but it took your quite some time to form even these two words. Your voice was cracking, tears were running down your face but soon you realised your husband of two years was crying too.

"How can you be sick, Jamie?" He breathed out gently touching your back to pull you closer to him.

"It started with headaches... You know how my head always hurt and the pain was the worst in the mornings?" You bit your lip but Ned quickly made you stop by placing his long finger on your bottom lip.

"Continue," He gasped for air slightly, making a sound that was hard for your to hear.

"And then how I couldn't smell whether my cooking was burning?"

"And far too often you lost your consciousness," He continued instead of you while waiting for you to finish. It seemed to you as if he quickly got himself together what was really common for him. He never let his feelings out completely. Only the colour of his eyes exposed how hurt he actually he was.

"I decided to see my doctor after I couldn't sleep for 3 days in a row. And firstly he let me go, saying I was alright and probably just overworked."

"This piece of shit. I told you to see my da-," Once again, you didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Ned, listen to my reasons first please. I didn't go to your dad because I knew he would tell you I visited him," Your tone was sassier than neccessary and you apologised quickly.

"What... What happened then?" You appreciated the fact he didn't insist on involving his dad.

"I started losing weight and my hair got thinner. I couldn't diagest normal food besides vegetables and chicken."

"And you still can't," Your husband interrupted you one more time. You always appreciated how he was able to finish your sentences but now it was not an appropriate time for that.

"No Ned, I can't anymore. Afterwards we made many tests and... And all of them were positive. Three months ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Stage IV, meaning... Well, not a good prognosis," You said as if it wasn't obvious.

"How... How long is it until you're gonna...," You wanted to cover your ears and never hear the following words coming out of your husband's lips. "You're gonna leave me alone, Jamie?"

Ned's voice cracked down and suddenly you couldn't say a word anymore. Seeing your husband like that, being heartbroken while holding you in his hands, made you cry like a baby. You knew you should have been the one to be there for him now but it didn't seem to be possible.

The man of your dreams, your mister Perfect, was crying in the house you two had built together because of you. Because you were about to leave him really soon. And the worst thing was it wasn't even your fault at all.

Ned's usually slightly douchey looking face was now all red and wet with his tears. His blonde hair that was always styled to perfection was now sticking in all directions since he ran his hands through it so many times. Your face, on the other hand, was pale as a ghost and you felt your whole body was sweaty.

"I don't know, Ned but-," He interrupted you one more time by grabbing both your hands.

A couple minutes of intense staring in each other's eyes you spotted how optimistic Ned's face got. It seemed as if he was brainstorming with himself as his eyes got the initial spark in them again. You didn't want to ask what was going through his mind but you were very curious about it.

"No buts, Jamie," He suddenly spoke out, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "You and me are seeing my dad tomorrow and he will call the best doctors and the best medications and you will be cured. You have to be cured, love."

"Ned...," You started but stopped as Ned placed his hand over your mouth.

"No, Jamie. When you said I do a couple of years ago, we promised to each other we were going to be there for each other even when in sickness. And now my time to prove my love for you has come. We can and will make it through. Fuck cancer but our love is stronger."

The Try Guys One Shots (written on request)Where stories live. Discover now