Pain and fear (Zach Kornfeld)

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You were just at a Try Guys shoot where your favourite coworkers were trying ballet. It's been a really long day so far since you all were caught in the studio since 7.30am, meaning you had to get up at 5. To be honest, the guys sucked at dancing (except for Eugene, he was literally good at everything) but it was still very nice to see how motivated they were. 

"This is impossible guys, my body has a structure of a fucking uncooked spaghetti," Zach kept complaining and you sighed, knowing how long it would take them to remove all the cussing words from the video again.

"Shut up, Zachary. Stop complaining!" Eugene hissed while doing his moves elegantely. If you hadn't know about his profession you would have probably thought he was pretty good at doing ballet.

"You need a rest, guys?" Bianca, the principal dancer of LA ballet school asked nicely. She was one of your favourite people you have worked with so far since she was pretty chill and didn't mind working with the guys at all. She did say specifically it wasn't the smartest idea trying to open your joints at the age that guys had yet they still wanted to do it.

"Zach needs a rest. Obviously," Eugene sassily said again, making you roll your eyes. 

"Alright, let's try the passe move again and then you can take a couple of minutes off!" The elegant blonde exclaimed and gave your coworkers a huge smile. 

You could literally see how much pain the guys were in, specially their feet. Just when the music started and Bianca started her countdown something caught your eye. It was Zach leaning down so his head was nearly touching the ground. And since he was standing at the end of the row no other guy seemed to see that.

"Fuck," You said under your breath as you made your way towards him, not caring if you got in the video too. His whole body was shaking and it seemed as if he was in a huge pain. You heard a nasty crack coming out of his body that immediately sent shivers down your spine. "Stop the video!" You screamed as you got to Zach only to be met with tears on his face.

You gently placed your arms around his belly to help him straighten up yet he only collapsed on the floor. Every single person in the room gasped for air yet there was no sound coming from Zach except for a loud crash as he hit the ground. You on your own, of course, weren't able to keep him up.

"I'm calling the ambulance straight away," Eugene was the one that got himself together the quickest and so he left the room.

You gently stroked Zach's arm which was shaking slightly like the rest of his body. Zach has never been the strongest man yet you've never seen him so weak in your life. Still he said nothing yet you at least could hear his loud but short breathing now.

"I'm getting ice," Bianca finally whispered and left the room too, Ned on her feet to bring some water for his buddy.

It was only Keith and you left that were hoovering over Zach, who literally looked like a baby now. All curled up in his tutu he was kind of cute but right now it was not the right time to even think of that.

"You okay?" Keith asked quietly and you sent him a nasty look. Obviously, Zach wasn't okay and to you it seemed like Keith's question was really out of place right now.

"Didn't you hear the crack?" You hissed and slapped Keith's hand away when you spotted how close it was to Zach's lower back. "Don't even try touching his back," A second later you became aware of how nasty you just sounded but you couldn't care more right now. Your voice did its job done since Keith took a step away from Zach and let you two alone with a shitty excuse of needing to turn the cameras off.

A minute later none of your colleagues were back already and you still had no clue on what to say. You decided it was best if you checked Zach's face and the sight of it made your stomach clench.

His eyes were squeezed shut in pain and his brows were furrowed nearly completely together. As you gently brushed hair from his forehead he opened one eye only for you to be met with a tear of his.

"Oh god," You quietly said and bit your lip. As soon as you saw Zach's tear you feel the need for crying too. This made you mad at yourself since you had no actual reason to cry. You were so focused on Zach's eyes that you didn't even notice how his hand slowly reached for yours and squeezed it.

"Y/N, what is wrong with me? Why can't I move one of my legs?" He quietly asked and you finally realised why he was so weirdly curled up. You gasped and clenched on his hand, squeezing it was harder than it was neccessary.

"I-I don't know..." You admitted and begged Eugene in your head that the ambulance was on its way already. You were completely crushed under Zach's question and the fact that he was holding on my hand as if his life depended on it.

"Where are the other guys?" He then asked, making you sigh lightly.

"Eugene is calling an ambulance, Ned is getting you some ice and Keith is turning off the equipment. Nothing for you to worry about," You quickly answered and gave him a reassuring smile. Every now and then he squeezed your hand harder, probably when his bach started aching more.

"When will they continue shooting?" Were his next words that made you roll your eyes. You didn't know the answer to that but you assumed the guys would wait for him anytime. On the other hand, you were afraid of answering that question on your own. Maybe they needed to publish a video really soon, as a make up artist you had no idea about the dates.

"Probably after you get better, Zach," You decided to take a risk, hoping your statement was true.

But what Zach said next shocked you completely and made you feel stone cold immediately.

"What if I never get better, Y/N?" He continued before you could even protest. "What if I'm like that forever? Never being able to move properly again?" His eyes became glossy and you felt like you were about to puke.

Seeing Zach, who was always so cheerful and dancey around people, in a position like that where he couldn't move his legs made you drop a couple of tears. Over many years of your friendship you two grew a soft spot for each other and right now you would do anything just so he would actually get better. 

"Stop talking nonsense Zach, you are gonna be okay," You slowly said, trying not to look into his teary face.

"What if this was my last shoot? No one will like me if I'm a fucking cripple. The guys will have to go on without me and get another member or something," His face became almost unrecognisable as the pain hit his body again. This time you were not sure whether it was physical or emotional pain...

"Don't be ridiculous Kornfeld," Suddenly a cocky male voice said behind you. "The doctor is here already, he's coming upstairs," And in that moment you have never been this lucky to hear Eugene's voice.

"And dude, you'll always be a part of us, you're just too unique to leave out," Ned claimed behind me as well while Keith just knelt down next to us.

"Cripple or not, you will not get rid of ballet classes with us. Even if that means you'll be a tree in the middle of the stage or something," Zach's best friend said and hands down to these guys since they managed to calm him down so quickly.

Just when you started feeling useless among them and wanted to let go of Zach's hand he weakly pulled you back.

"I'll need all of you to be here with me tonight," He silently said and then a spark lit up in his eyes. "Specially you, Y/N, the guys are hopeless when it comes to fixing my make up."

Even though this was the silliest sentence to be said by a person that didn't feel one of their legs and was in enormous backache, it made your heart a bit warmer again. Zach making a joke was a sign that you all got hope back in him again. 

"How dares he even think of us not caring about him, fucking piece of shit," You heard Ned mumbling next to you and in that moment you confirmed your thoughts that these guys would never leave Zach alone.

The Try Guys One Shots (written on request)Where stories live. Discover now