Big Bully

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The sun was high in the sky

and you were down by the beach, swimming and training with your Pokémon.

"Squirtle! Use Water Pulse!"

The small, blue turtle Pokémon leaped in the air, water shooting out its mouth, splitting the earthy grain in two. Particles of sand blew everywhere, some in your eye.

"Nice shot Squirtle!" You giggled and wiped the sand from your eyes and dusted off your black bikini; picking up your Pokémon. You spin him around, holding him close. Squirtle had been your Pokémon since you started your journey in Kanto, and still is your partner here in Alola.

"Nice job today Squirtle!" You smiled, setting him down gently.

"Squirtle!" He chirped joyfully, Leaping back into your arms.

You giggled and set him on your shoulder. "I guess your staying out of you ball today..?"

Squirtle nodded and rested on your shoulder. You heard a big crash in your house, causing you to yelp.

"What the!?-" You run through the sand and to the front of your house, its back facing the beach. You grab the doorknob, finding it unlocked.

"Get in your ball squirtle.. i'll let somebody bigger come out..." you whispered, setting him down.

Squirtle nodded and went into his ball, you then grabbed an ultra ball from your bag, pressing the button. A large purple pokemon with a big smirk came out, he came up to you and hugged you, happy to see your face again.

"Yes yes.. I'm happy to see you too Gengar.." you softly whispered followed by a giggle.

"I-I think somebody is here.. can you check for me..?" you whispered.

Gengar nodded and walked through the halls while you examined the broken plates on the floor.

"These were my grandmother's... she'll be so sad to hear they shattered..." you frowned and cleaned up the mess.

A few short minutes passed,

you had just dumped the broken glass in the trashcan when you heard Gengar call to you from your bedroom. You ran as fast as you could down the hall, only to discover two blue-haired men with bandannas holding up your underwear. Gengar opened his mouth, creating a shadow ball.

"AHH! PLEASE WERE SORRY!" One threw a pair of your (f/c) underwear in the air, the other had a pair on his head, pulling on it as if it cover him.

"Gengar, stop, its fine.." you sighed.

Gengar stopped, the shadow ball disappeared. Gengar sat down on your bed, watching the men carefully; He was always very protective over you, but you didn't mind.

"Who are you two and why are you in my house..?" You remained calm, you only wanted answers from them, not trouble; well.. you also wanted your panties back, but still.

"Do we tell er'..?" Whispered the cowering grunt with panties on his head.

"I-I don't know you numskull.. Do you wanna get beat up by th' boss..?!" Whispered the other grunt.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble, if you just tell me who you are and why your here, I won't have to contact the police." you smiled warmly, hoping it'd help.

The pantie grunt sat up and pushed the other grunt, "Imma tell er'! I ain't gettin' arrested!"


"We-Er- We're part of Team Skull, Boss and Big sis sent us'es out to steal some stuff for dough." The grunt explained.

"Well.. Thank you for telling me, but i'm gonna need my stuff back and your gonna need to help me clean up." You sighed.

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