chapter 4

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Patch began to follow the scent of Mrs. Claus. The Santa Pups wandered around and a man soon saw that they were possibly strays and decided to take them to the pound, and where his own dog went over to them. Carter was soon on his way home as Patch seemed to be going in the same direction oddly enough.

"Huh, I guess Mrs. Claus is at his house." Patch guessed. He soon just followed Carter as he would soon enough see Mrs. Claus.

"Oh, hey, there's Carter now," A man told the others on the couch. "Hey, you missed dinner, we were worried about you. Hey, say hello to Mrs. Kane, we're hoping she's going to be our new nanny."

Patch soon came into the room and rushed over to Mrs. Claus.

"Whoa, where did this dog come from?" The man gasped.

"Oh, um, this is my dog, his name is Patch," Mrs. Claus made up with a nervous smile. "He must've gotten separated from me."

Patch looked to the others and soon barked happily while licking Mrs. Claus to keep up appearances.

"And don't worry, he's housebroken." Mrs. Claus assured them.

"Well, that should be fine." Carter's father smiled.

"Anyway, hello, Carter." Mrs. Claus smiled to the boy as she hugged Patch.

Patch barked with a smile at Carter.

"So, Carter, where have you been?" Carter's father asked.

"I had to drive the wagon full of toys to Mr. Miller's barn by myself." Carter sulked.

Patch frowned as he knew why.

"Well, why don't we get some of my world-famous meatloaf in ya, and we could all decorate the tree?" Carter's father smiled. "That will help brighten your mood!"

"Dad, I'm too beat to help with the tree," Carter sighed. "Can you guys just do it without me?"

Suddenly, Carter's father looked a little miserable. "Yeah, sure," he then told his son with a hint of disgust. "To be honest with you, I'm a little tired. It is getting late."

Patch knew this would happen as he could see the black magic dust where others couldn't. Carter looked a little bummed out by his father's response before going to his room.

"But, Daddy, you said we were going to decorate the tree tonight." Carter's little sister who was Sarah on the radio piped up.

"It's just a tree, it'll still be here tomorrow," Mr. Reynolds shrugged. "Why don't you go on up to bed?"

Patch could tell that the Christmas Cold got to Mr. Reynolds.

"Daddy, it's dark out," Sarah told her father. "Maybe Mrs. Kane and her doggy can stay for a sleepover in the guest room?"

"Oh, no, no, it's fine." Mrs. Claus smiled apologetically.

"It's no trouble," Sarah insisted. "Right, Daddy?"

"Yeah, sure, there's enough space." Mr. Reynolds shrugged.

Patch soon acted like he was getting sleepy and let out a pretend yawn. Mrs. Claus giggled to that before smiling to Sarah, and stood up, taking her hand.

"Great!" Sarah smiled back as she took the older woman's hand.

Patch soon followed them to Sarah's room.

"So, um, what happened to the Santa Pups during all of this?" Dot asked her father.

"From what I remember, they were thrown in the Pineville Animal Shelter since a man thought they were stray puppies." Patch replied.

Patch and the Santa PupsWhere stories live. Discover now