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Unknown POV

I keep my gaze on the girl with long light black hair and green eyes as she goes to stand in the lunch line, her best friend standing behind her, talking about something I can't really hear from here. The girl's friend looks irritated, so it's obvious that she's probably ranting  about stuff.

The bitch is most likely going through stupid teenage girl problems like not bringing a pad when she's on her period and shit like that.

Bringing my attention back to the black-haired girl, I smirk when I see that she's on her phone, not even paying attention to a word her friend is saying as the line slowly starts to move up.


Ever since that night at the gas station, I've been watching her. I've watched her go on Netflix with her headphones on in the middle of class. I've seen her face when something bad happens in the show she's watching. She has cancer, but she still tries to be a happy person; I once saw her at Walmart and heard her talking to her mom about it. I know how scared she really is of dying even though she doesn't let it show.

I only have her in one of my classes. But that doesn't stop me from stalking her.

She loves Nutella and cold nights because when it's cold, she falls asleep faster. She's nice to everyone she meets, maybe even too nice on some occasions. She sings to Conor Maynard in her bedroom and dances around with her hairbrush when she thinks no one's looking. She puts lettuce on her pizza, dislikes gym clothes, and loves the movie Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. She dreams of going to London, and loves her parents with a passion even I can't understand. She wears sweatshirts everyday, even during the summer.

I know almost everything about this girl.

She makes my heart actually feel like a heart.

Which is why I have to kill her.

Vanessa's POV

Margo's a terrible driver. Every time the car stops there's a huge JOLT, and I always find myself going home with new bruises. Today, because I don't feel like going through all of the unnecessary physical pain that being in the same car as Margo comes with, I told her I had to take the bus. And being the gullible girl she is, she actually believed me.

Now, walking out of my 8th period, I'm surprised to find Declan, Bennett, Jordan, and Naomi all waiting for me by my locker.

"There the little queenie is," Jordan says as I approach.


"So, has Raymond been causing you any problems lately?" Declan asks.

I purse my lips. "Nope," I say. I can't for the life of me figure out why they're all here.

"That's good," Naomi says. "But if he ever hurts you, you can come to us, okay?"

I smile. "Okay."

"Cuz we'll be your super heroes!" Jordan exclaims. "Like Batman, Superman, Ironman, Spider-Man, Th–"

"Jordan," Bennett says slowly. "I think she gets it."

Jordan pouts. "I was just trying to be helpful."

Naomi rolls her eyes. "So, do you need a ride or something?" she asks me.


"No, in seven years," Declan says sarcastically.

Naomi shoots him a look, then says me, "Yeah, now."

"Okay," I say, glad that I don't have to ride the bus with a bunch of kids I don't even talk to. "That would be awesome."

I pull my science textbook out of my locker and shut it. Jordan surprises me by taking my bag off of my arm, slipping my textbook into it, and throwing it over his shoulder. "I'm a super hero," he explains when he sees my questioning glance.

Naomi rolls her eyes. "Let's go." I follow the four of them outside. Then I hop into the back of the car with Jordan and Declan while Naomi and Bennett get in the front. Once I tell them how to get to my house, we soon start cruising down the main road, but there's a really awkward silence between us.

Finally, I blurt out, "Did Raymond use to be your guys' friend?"

Declan's eyes widen. "What?"

"Never mind," I mumble. I shouldn't be too nosy.

"Raymond?" Naomi asks after a pause. "Did you just ask if he used to be our friend?"

I nod.

"Why heck would you think that?"

"Well, I mean you guys clearly hate each other," I point out. "I was just wondering if your history with him is good or bad."

Bennett seems to consider this for a moment. "Fair enough," he says. "But he was never our friend. Especially not Naomi's."

"So your history with him is bad."

"He's kind of the guy who bullied me the most," Naomi tells me as Bennett makes a left. "I mean, almost everyone in our school were bullies to me, but he did it more."

"Seriously?" I'm shocked. I've been going to Dartwell since the 9th grade, but never once have I ever heard of and saw Naomi. This just goes to prove how stupid I can be. "I never knew that. I didn't even know you guys existed until last weekend."

"Which is probably why you're here now," Declan says. "Because you have a clean slate with us, unlike all the other kids at our school."

"I just never knew they were that cruel," I mutter.

We ride in silence for a few minutes as I try to process all of this new information. Naomi was bullied by practically almost all the people I smile and wave at in the hallways. I didn't even suspect that any of them can be so mean.

I'm just beginning to feel like maybe they're only being nice to me because I don't know anything about their past, when we pull up in front of my house and Naomi turns to me. Her eyes are brighter than ever, and she looks calm and happy without even smiling.

"Listen," she says. "I was thinking we can all meet up at Starbucks on Saturday. Maybe at noon. I mean, it would be nice  to hang out outside of school."

I feel myself smiling for the second time this afternoon. Maybe I did make some new friends. "That would be awesome."

Jordan opens his mouth like he wants to add something else, but instead all he says is, "Here's your bag."

"Thanks, dude." I take it from him, making a move for the door handle. "See you guys later."


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