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In the stillness of the fairly large waiting room, my heart starts to feel like it's going to explode. I suck in a deep breath, but it doesn't help. Across the room, a door opens to reveal a really fat lady with short and curly red hair.

"Vanessa?" She says it so softly that I can barely hear her when she says my name. I look around the empty lobby, wishing that I could make a clone of myself to take my place for this thing.

"Dr. Green is ready for you. Please come in."

I sigh, standing up. Since the divorce three years ago, my parents felt it would be best if I had someone to dish out my emotions to. In those three years, I've survived a handful of therapists, but none of them make me want to turn them into my personal diary. It's just too weird for me. And weirdly enough, I actually liked the last shrink, who went always came to every appointment drunk. As soon as my mom heard of it, she got that therapist fired.

I note that this therapist is a young guy with black hair and brown eyes. He's actually kind of cute. And his office has dark blue walls, and there's a black leather couch, a coffee table separating it from a black computer chair. On the table, there's a bowl of gummy bears, and in the far back walls, there's a large window and a  bunch of bookshelves. I make a mental note one of the gummies on my way out.

The cute therapist guy, Dr. Green, sits in the computer chair. I place my purse on the table before sliding down onto the couch.

"Nice place," I say. "I love gummy bears. They're the best type of gummy there is. I get them all the time at the gas station."

"Oh, you can have some. Feel free to–"

"I'll have some later." I already talked more than I knew I should. I take a deep breath. I can't get too close to this therapist. I need to get my walls back up.

Dr. Green just offers me a tiny smile. "What brings you here today?"

I shrug. "Didn't my mom tell you why when she booked the appointment?"

"Yes, but I'd love to hear your side of things."

I just stare at this sex god for a minute before saying, "I have cancer and my mom's getting remarried."

"You don't like your stepdad?"

"I hate him," I say. "And he's just Leo. Don't call him what you just said."

"I know dealing with your cancer has been hard, too," Dr. Green says, and I'm thankful for the subject change. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." My mouth opens before I can stop it. "Just tired."

"Understandable." By that, I can tell Dr. Green means finally. "But I want you to tell me what you are tired of."

I shrug. "My mom never telling me what she will do with my things."

"Please explain."

"My things. After I die. She never talks about it."

Dr. Green sucks in a breath. "It's probably because you're still here, and nothing is certain. Your mother probably wouldn't want you to talk like. . .like you're already. . ."

"Dead?" I finish for him, and he glares at me.

"You're not dead, Vanessa. As long as your heart is beating, you can't talk like this. It's nonsense."

I sigh in frustration. "This is exactly what I'm tired of! Everyone's living in some sort of fantasy world, but they need to come back to reality. I am dying. I am sick. Why is this so hard for everyone to get their heads around? This isn't just some flu that's going to go bye bye. This is cancer, and it's never going to leave."

Dr. Green just stares at me a second before saying, "Alright, this session is over."

I stand up. "Doctor," I say, in a much calmer approach. "I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I—"

"Go home, Vanessa," he says, cutting me off. "Just go home."

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