Letters, Photographs, Cool Chicks, and Ice Cream Cones

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When I awoke, I noticed that I was curled up in Danny's arms, and I looked out my window only to find the warm yet blinding rays from the sun. My plaid laptop was in sleep mode, so I groggily looked around to see my bright orange alarm clock that read 11:31 A.M., and on the side it read June 2, 2014. I wanted to go back to sleep and to stay within the warmth, but I knew that we needed to wake up. Looking around my room once more, my eyes caught a neon green paper stuck on my door that read, Mom and Dad♥. Attempting to break free from Danny's arm cage, I wriggled around, tried biting his arm, and even punching him in his stomach flab. I wriggled up to at least free my left hand; once it was out, I lightly slapped his face while I said,

"Danny~ Hey, Danny~ It's time to go to the pool, Danny~"

"Ten more minutes, Pug. . . we can go later. . . " he lazily murmured.

"Danny, it's 11:31, and our friends are gonna be here soon. I don't want them to freak because of this situation."

He gave no reply, so I bargained with him by saying that if he at least let me go, we would play man hunt. He then squeezed me tighter and asked for a ten minute nap; I didn't succumb to his plea, and I kicked him in the balls. 

"What the hell. . . Jackie. . . I won't be able to have kids. . . " Danny sounded like he was in pain. Oh Well~

As soon as both of us could get on our feet, Danny took a shower and brushed his teeth, Boston ran into my room and greeted us a "Good Morning," and I read my parents' letter:

        Dear Pug,

       When you wake up make sure the doors are locked and that there are no burglars or molesters in the house. There's sausage and a vegetable omelette for you and Danny, and feed Boston (also, go on a walk with Boston or something; he's getting chubby). Call us when you get to the pool and don't be flashing any perverts there! (You're better off with Danny♥) We love you sweetheart; be safe! ^-^

        Love, Mama and Papa

(P.S. Jackie, don't be gettin' up close and personal with Danny; it breaks your Papa's heart T-T)

As I was snickering at my parents' lovely note, Danny put his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't you ever get lonely around the house? Your parents are always at work even in the summer time."

"Well, when I was younger I was pretty lonely, but since Doug is younger than me, I knew that I needed to not look so down all the time. Besides, I have you to hang out with!" Danny seemed pretty satisfied with that answer, but he knew that it was hard for my little brother and me; we were lonely in the summertime, but we put up with it.

We both went downstairs, and we finished the breakfast that was professionally prepared for us. When we were done we still felt hungry, so I made us honey-drenched waffles with mixed berries (now, that was good). The doorbell rang while we were eating and reviewing the anime we watched last night; Danny and Boston ran to the glass door, and Danny said that his buddies were "ready to get their swim on" (dorks✯). Because of their impatience, he requested that I bring the honey waffles to the pool, and that I would meet him up there.

"If I bring the waffles, you and your friends get to bring the towels and pool thingy-ma-bobbers with you."

"Ughhh.... Fine, deal."

We gave each other a fist bump, and we went upstairs to pack everything. I tossed him his house keys, and when he was about to leave, he shouted to me:

"Hey Pug! Your mom gave us a nice photo!" 

I went downstairs to see what he was talking about, but he left; instead, on the kitchen counter, I saw a photo of Danny and I watching a movie, while drinking strawberry smoothies. (Thanks Mom...)


It was 12:11 P.M. when Jade, Paige, Kendall, and Ivy appeared at my doorstep. I told them about my eventful yesterday, and they all swooned over the "cuteness" between Danny and I.

"I mean it's not like we're dating, we're just close. I guess you could call it a bro-sis relationship-ish thing. . . I guess."

"You two are so oblivious, but I think it's because you two are those "blind and innocent" couples." Paige Tarren was one of those sardonic type of ladies that loved to get active and to devour food constantly. She joked around randomly and had a "bae" of her own, even though they didn't date. She was my height, and she had dark brownish-blackish hair with a mix of amber-greenish eyes.

"I concur with that notion! However, their innocence is what makes them so cute~" Jade Bailey was an indie-music lover of a brunette with the passion for Keane; she loved to play video games, and she was a sassy 5'5 tom boy. Her obsession over fan-fictions were crazy, but that was what made her so bright and passionate-like. 

"You never know; Pug might end up with someone different. Like the old fat guy at 166." Kendall Hyson was a 5'3 hazel-brunette with one of the funniest personalities. She loved to swim, cook, and she adored Boston. Sometimes, we joked around saying that she was Scottish because she did Merida's voice so perfect that it was creepy. 

"Ewww. . . That's gross, Kay. She's probably gonna end up in a love triangle or something." Ivy Jean is the reserved/shy/proper/romantic type of girls. Ivy was my height, had blonde hair, and had dark blue eyes. She always followed her parents, she was a straight-A student, and she hated her older sister's guts. She was a romantic like me, and sometimes I went over to her house and we watched romance dramas. 

"You guys are weird. And, I'm positive I won't end up with Danny; he's my bro."

"It's a possibility Pug. Besides, we aren't weird; we're just one of a kind."

After a good thirty minutes of talking about romance and breakfast foods, we journeyed to the pool. I kept receiving messages from Danny about how slug-like I was being and how much Rufus was being a donkey of a girl dog. We sauntered past numerous amounts of "people" we did NOT prefer to be associated with, trudged up a steep hill, saw a middle-aged fatty semi-nude, and spotted my 6th grade apprentice/ partner in crime, Alfie. As were walking, we "sang" our hearts out to Michelle Branch's masterpiece of a song, Are You Happy Now? When we were only a few meters away from the entrance of the pool, an ice cream truck came down the road while singing The Muffin Man.

"You guys go stop the ice cream truck; I'll get Danny and the guys." I said. I ran to the iron fence separating the pool from the mini park, but I turned around only to see Paige and Kendall actually running in front of the truck (idiots ^-^). I shouted Danny's name and told him in a British accent that there was a glorious ice cream vehicle; he shouted in response saying that they would "come retrieveth the glorious heaven. We both laughed, and I met Henry's eyes. He gave me an unexpected wink; Danny noticed the flirtatious act, and he smacked Henry on the side of the head. 

I ran back to my clique and we ordered our frozen masterpieces. Ivy was considerate enough to pay for all of us, and once I got my strawberry Drumstick, I immediately devoured the chocolate-peanut covering with bits of strawberry ice cream stuck to it. I spun around to get out of the line, and I was positive that Jade nudged me with her elbow because as soon as I attempted my 180° spin, I noticed my ice cream was flying out of hand like it was fleeing from its doom. 

Everything felt like it was in slow motion; the ice cream cone just splattered onto this poor guy's chest, and I was sadly thinking to myself, "ICE CREAM CONE!!!!! My baby. . . NOOOOO!!!!!" A circle consisting of my friends and Danny's friends surrounded us; silence, the sounds of children playing, and the chirps of the birds were all that I heard. Unfortunately, that was the first encounter between me, Jackie Maeve and a boy that was apart of the love square, Lewis Aymos. F-ing Fantastic


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