Ohh Nah!!!

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Just imagine that Hermione is black and light-skinned. Also imagine that the persone in the picture is Hermione and that the hair, height and skin color is different. And they are in their last year. I know that theses songs just came out not too long ago but just imagine that Harry Potter happened a few years later and finally just imagine that they come to Hogwarts when they are 15 and not when they are 11.

Hermione POV

Everyone was in the Great Hall. A few days ago Dumbledore announced that he would pick one muggleborne and show their life in the muggle world to everyone. I really hope he didn't pick me becuase well you see I grew up in the projects and I was mad ghetto back then and I still am I just hide it. Also I have so much twerking and wineing and vine videos. 

" Alright everyone I know all of you are excited and I am happy to say that the person that I have picked is.....Hermione Granger" he announced to everyone. All eyes to to me.

" Come on we all basically know how her childhood was. She was a goody two shoes who got good grades and had a perfect life" someone yelled out. Everyone started shouting out their agreements. Well except the Slytherins they just didn't care.

" Everyone settle down I think you'll be very shocked from what you see" he said. " I have found a video on this muggle website called youtube. Its where people watch videos of things and Miss Granger has a lot of videos and they are very interesting. Oh fuck he found my youtube vidoes and if he found those then he must have found my youtube channel. 

" The first video you will see is called One Drop" he told everyone. The big Tv dropped and you could see a video of me siting there. " Lets start" oh shit.

Ghetto Ass HermioneWhere stories live. Discover now