The Explination and Wiggle

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  • Dedicated to My friend Shantea

Hermione POV

" Ms Granger why don't you come up here so everyone can here your explanation." Dumbledore suggested. Oh damn I gotta explain to the whole school. I walked up there and faced the students. I looked to see the girls glaring at me and I just thought ratchet ass thots. Hey its true I mean have you sen the way they suck dick. Yo I think I know where all that semen went: it went in their foreheads or should I say six heads. I looked at the guys and saw them staring at me in lust and I was just singing scrub in my head.  It went a little something like this

I don't want no scrub

A scrub is a guys that can't get no love from me

Hanging on the passengers side of his best friend's ride

Trying to holla at me

I thought I was singing in my head but as it turns out I was actually singing out loud. I looked to see everyone staring at me probably because of the lyrics.

" Ooops sorry only some muggle students will know that song." I told them I looked around and saw some of the girl mugglbornes start singing I don't want no scrub and the boy mugglebornes were even singing I don't want no thot.

" Okay so I guess I should explain what you guys just saw there. Can I get a twerk team to come up here with me. Nah let me stop but really can I get one muggleborne girl to come up here with me" i said throwing a few jokes in there I knew that only the muggleborn kid would get. They even laughed at my twerk team joke but the others just looked confused. I looked around to pick a girl who I knew could twerk. I saw Ashley from Ravenclaw raising her hand.

" Hey yo Ashley get your twerking ass over here" I called to her. Me and her cool like that and we be joking with each other so its all good. She came up to me. I looked at her  and said " Yo whats good my nigga" I asked here

" Nothing yo I saw these thot as bitches singing I don't want no thot the other day. I was mad confused and I'm just like why is they talking bout themselves like that? boy you should have heard the things they were saying it was mad funny! ." She told me and then me and her started dying.

" Okay lets get serious" I changed our clothes so we had tight black jeggings that showed off our ass and a blue tank top that shows only a little bit of skin. " Okay so what song should we twerk to" After a few minutes of discussing we decided on Wiggle by Jason Derulo and Snoop Dog. I turned ot the audience and saw the guys staring at me. I ignored that....for now and just kepton going

" SO to show you what twerking is we are going to demonstrate it. But just know that twerking just means moving your butt nothing special." I told them. I made my mp3 player appeared and hooked to the speakers I just made appear. I was about to hit play before I said something.

" You perverted little boys better enjoy this now because this is the last time you'll see me doing this" I told them. I hit play and the  music started playing. The opening started with Snoop talking and Jason saying. " I just go one you fit all that in them jeans" he starts laughing and the real music comes on.

You know what to do with that big fat butt

Wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle wiggle wiggle

Wiggle wiggle wiggle

Just a little bittle

At this line me and Ash started wiggling or buts like the song says. I could just feel the shock of everyone. The beat started and we just started getting ready for when it was time to twerk.

Patty cake patty cake with no hands

Got me in the club making wedding plans

If I take pictures while you do your dance

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