"Why should i pretend to smile when all i want to do is cry?!?!?" Yells Margot at her mom and dad."Listen I know that ever sense we moved to Venus 5 years ago the kids haven't exactly been that well..." Margot rolls her eyes and looks the other way "accepting of you..." says her dad as he finished his sentence.Margot quickly threw her bag over her should and stormed out forgetting to buckle her suspenders to her khakis that had her longsleeved button down tucked in neatly. When she arrived at school her usual bullying began.It started out with her teacher forgetting about her which is typical. She then sits down at her desk and watches the children have fun without her.She looks out the window at the sweet crystal fall showers and tidal waves falling over island. she longingly stares at where the forests used to be.All thats left now is some twigs and splintered logs. She is quickly snapped out of her daydream as William bursts into the room.They make breif eye contact and Margot braces herself for her daily round of torment. to her suprise Williqm showed a flash of dread in his eyes before it melting back to his usual anger.Margot is genuinly confused as to what was going through his mind.But why should she care he has been her bully for past year."You see Margot? Teacher forgot you again You think you are so special with your sun talk but you don't deserve-" "Please William" say Margot quietly interupting his sentence."-A sun lamp.In fact,you don't know what the sun looks like!" says William get proggresively more aggressive.She averts her gaze and eyes fall on the only person who has veen treating her decently the whole year.Zoe.
owo hewwo thwanks fow weading my owiginal fwanfwic on awll swmmer in a dway.
All summer in a day FANFIC
RomansaMargot stumbles upon a situation that made her wis she came sooner ;);););)