18 : Epilogue

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Saoirse and Oisin ran around a large wooden pole, screaming out in excitement as they played with one another. Saoirse's fiery hair got tangled in the warm breeze and Oisin laughed at her messy curls, his golden eyes full of joy.

Keelia and Lorcan trailed behind them, hand in hand and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. Even after ten years of marriage, it still felt like they had just met the day before. The whole curse component of their relationship was far behind them, but forever a part of their memories.

"We'll only be able to wonder about for a bit more if the children want to visit with their grandmother before they go off to sleep," Lorcan stated, grasping the hand of his life partner.

Keelia nodded.

She glanced over to their previous walking partners, but saw that Maeve and Phelan were dawdling behind. Phelan placed a soft kiss on Maeve's scarred cheek as though it wasn't there at all. Keelia smiled then faced her offspring once more.

"Saoirse! Oisin! Stay close, don't wander off!" Keelia called to her children while trying to keep her auburn locks out of her face. "You'll get lost!"

Lorcan squeezed her hand and played with her fingers, "Don't fret, love. I will always know where they venture off to. It's part of being a nymph."

Keelia shook her head, "I shall never get used to that. You and your gifts, they are something that I'll never understand."

"But isn't that the beauty of it all?"

Keelia's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

Lorcan smiled, his eyes bright with happiness, "It's the beauty of magic, there is no way to understand it. It is only meant to be enjoyed by those who are intrigued by its mysterious ways."

Keelia hugged her husband, "Then what about you and that long ago curse?"

Lorcan let his fingers play through Keelia's hair, the strands slipping through his fingers. "It was just a means to an end."

Keelia gazed up into Lorcan's golden irises, "And what was that end?"

"You," was his simple reply.

Thank you to everyone that took the time to read this. This story is nowhere near the state that I want it to be in. Edits will be coming, though slowly. I really want to do my best. Again, thank you. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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